Message from @Klipkop (Clip-Cop)
Discord ID: 472527452468674561
lol, tanja, is fine
@Rendier Is DA maar hy spoeg deesdae Afriforum retoriek...
Rendier is n hensopper !
Ek het daai schuster fliek gekyk
lol weet jy nie?
net 'n grappie ok!
In the Anglo Boer war in South Africa, afrikaners who surrendered or defected to the english typically did so with their hands up, and were ...
Hensopper = "sellout"
Ek het nie TV nie
Hulle doen!
@Arcade_Hustle naldie praat kak
Ek wil luister maar sjoe julle taal!! Eks 'n dame en 'n self-proclaimed koningin.
Ditsem! @KoninginTanja, you just advanced to level 8!
Het jy toe record?
Hulle upload soms. Maar eers vlg dag of so.
eNCA upload net partykeer.
I can't keep up with the VC
I sadly don't know the language you lads speak
Swahili is it?
hoe het hulle geboor daai tyd?
See you guys, have a good night.
laters m8 😃
I heard my name
Ditsem! @Deleted User 33b75db0, you just advanced to level 1!
bye hensopper
bye joiner
WW3 - the main city is gone!
the capitol is gone!
@Newscat ZA You not able to voice chat?
no not on this computer