Message from @Deejay from Earth
Discord ID: 471331024748675072
those had to be corrected by pilot
@Sheamus Already done. Flat Earth - Heliocentric Model Examined Geometrically Part 1 - AutoCAD.
they have to be reseated if they fall over
remember even radical aeroplane movement disrupts it
that is the reason for those 'autocorrecting' mechanisms
@Newscat ZA Did you just say air"plane"? 😃
@Deejay from Earth yeah but can you put in VR goggles and fly around like superman? 🤔
if we could 'autocorrect' why have a gyro at all?
so you know where the ground is lol
so like when the ground below you curves what happens ? a gyro keeps a dead level
Yup, the gyroscope tells the pilot the attitude etc of the aircraft relative to the plane of the earth
@rob this shows gyroscope correcting mechanism:
"level" means a horizontal plane to the perpendicular of the centre of the earth (relative to your position)
The first patent for a pendulous vanes system was filed in 1941 by the inventor Frederick D. Braddon,
this is my argument
I want experiments that I can verify
appeal to authority doesn't work
hand wave we have the technology therefore that's wrong doesn't wash anymore
we don't need capital
just better experiments
oh yeah rob good point - but see that's why the gyroscope arguments are useless either way
how did they fly in WWII ??
Or you can fly in an airplane - as airplane flight is impossible on a ball that is rotating at 1600 kilometers per hour.
I watched a vid
the mechanism is for aerial manouvers, not the earth ball
I read somewhere - can't find it now, that the WWII gyros had to be readjusted by eye and had by pilot
how would you correct for level in the sky
without a level horizon
guys you see - this is why i don't do FE - takes too much time
but everytime I've gone down a road, it was proven nonsense
why can't the FE ers provide a working model
Cessna 172 that flies at 100kph REALLY can't land on a runway which is moving at twice the speed of sound. The only way the Cessna could land on that runway is if it was moving at 1700kph in the first place.
when they can I'll look at it again hehe
I hear you newscat, but consider that our lack of a unified theory of science is largely because gravity doesn't fit quantum mechanics
man yeah that's another dinger