Message from @Friday
Discord ID: 469157970484264993
they'll come for the coloureds when we're gone too
their numbers are so small they have little impact on the enviroment
Absolutely. An unrelenting spiral of destruction
the colourds are in the same boat as the whites in this country
ye but a lot of them don't see it
here in the Southern Cape they very well do
glad to hear that
they know full well how things change the the "inkomers" roll in from EC
they also help us with intel during riots. they give us early warning
Are you southern Cape?
Ditsem! @Malcolm the Seceder, you just advanced to level 4!
Suid Kaap
my friend works for UNISA on contract for a few years now, she's been applying for a perm position there, they called her in the other day and told her that because she's not Bantu she'll never have a job there. She's was shocked, I had to hertotasoe
she's coloured btw
Yeah I think they thought that the blacks would treat them like brothers but the minutes the blacks got power they just burned them despite the help the Coloureds gave them before
The ANC Goverment are commiting a genocide against the Coloureds (aswell) 😨
The Bantu has created a culture that promotes entitlement, of course in such an environment, resources and jobs are quickly "allocated", that will lead to Bantu preference if the Bantu manage the resources.
they don't even accept other tribes
let alone other races
the cake is gettting smaller and smaller
I think they had a culture communists destroyed becasue communism is intolerant of cultures
communism is designed to destroy western culture and Christianity
@everyone I will be live in Afrikaans on my Afrikaans channel at 8pm, see <#468389204133543946> for the link. Hope to see everyone who understands Afrikaans there!
I guess not always looking at Moscov's Subway but generally it is
?i get link?
the fancy stations? That was to boost morale, some of them are lovley
everything we hold dear as white people
communism cause hunger
see great exmaples like Mao's China or Venezuela
The SADF = fantastic beast