Message from @nabutso
Discord ID: 288049218541584386
@Playergamer Excelllllllllllent
That might be a fake group though, there's been a bunch of stupid antifa drama around them.
I live in town filled with democrats it's madness I wanna run for mayor as a libertarian but I'll lose
Run as a "Socialist of the Nationalist variety"
@everyone 1:30 PM EST, 144 Tremont Street, Boston. If you live up north, there's an Antifa meet at the aforementioned date and time.
I hope we have another alt knight arrive
And fuck some shit up
whats this discord going to be doing? RWSS stuff?
i live in nj srry
@Ḁ̢̧̡̝̭̀̓̇̈̑yeExEye Yep. This week will be focused on mapping our population, and planning meetups for the 18th.
Is that link I sent you, Haup, good enough?
I was kinda stoned
Yep, works fine fam
Thanks for the help
when is a anticom manifesto coming out
We have one already
U probably never heard of it Bayonne
neat im in newark
I'm sorry
Obama Sr. Advisor and Iranian Born, Valerie Jarett, confirms the Attorney General ordered wiretap
I fucking love Ayn rand
What's going on in Boston on the 11th?
Like what is the occasion for them to gather?
has that been verified? or is it a false leak so anticommunists out themselves?
Take it with a grain of salt.
Could be an Antifa meetup, but could also be a trap.
tell vladimir after i overthrow the us govt i'll have more flexibility
Guys, should power in a nation be passed on by family lineage or by appointment from the previous leader
Lineage sounds nice but the chances of a dipshit descendent fucking the nation up seem to urgent
It should be based on capabilities
havent you seen LOTGH
Preferably trial by combat
new warthunder panzer will go at 80km/h