Message from @nabutso
Discord ID: 288053337973194752
when is a anticom manifesto coming out
We have one already
what town @Praise Jesus ✞✞✞ - North NJ
U probably never heard of it Bayonne
neat im in newark
I'm sorry
Obama Sr. Advisor and Iranian Born, Valerie Jarett, confirms the Attorney General ordered wiretap
I fucking love Ayn rand
What's going on in Boston on the 11th?
Like what is the occasion for them to gather?
has that been verified? or is it a false leak so anticommunists out themselves?
Take it with a grain of salt.
Could be an Antifa meetup, but could also be a trap.
tell vladimir after i overthrow the us govt i'll have more flexibility
Guys, should power in a nation be passed on by family lineage or by appointment from the previous leader
Lineage sounds nice but the chances of a dipshit descendent fucking the nation up seem to urgent
It should be based on capabilities
Preferably trial by combat
new warthunder panzer will go at 80km/h
Look at this faggot
Wait me?
no you cunt
Nvm just saw the link
Sorry dickface nigger butt
bump this thread please
https pls.
Ah, my bad
Thx for the tendie
why is minimum wage even a thing