Message from @kazper the spooky ghost
Discord ID: 644561910930341888
your kids will grow up in the ghetto culture
their culture, identity, tendencies, communities, behavior
like you don't want to raise your kid in the black enviroment
caused by poverty, not black skin
btw <#526921073397071892> would be better
race is more than skin color
yeah lets bounce to general
yeah ^^
```Chris A. Knobbe - Omega-6 Apocalypse: From Heart Disease to Cancer and Macular Degeneration - AHS19
Unravelling life's secrets: Immunity, cancer and vitamin C
Coronary Calcification - and Fixing the Root Causes of Heart Disease
MTHFR and Depression: the Folate and BH4 Connection
Dr. Ron Rosedale - 'The Early Ancestral Connection Between Protein, Cancer, Aging and TOR'```
Provided by @olive
Czechpilled - This exists btw. It's an historical map. Can go to any time line and click any country and it will give you Wikipedia pages or other links for history during that time line.
It needs to be filled out so some time lines are lacking, but some are pretty filled up. A good source to find stuff.
Reeducation: Child Kamikaze pilots were employed to stage the Pearl Harbor event. The idea of allied bombing raids using child pilots became the inspiration behind the book Ender's Game, where essentially an entire war is fought using children and technology. Of course we know the Germans had the same technology. What they did not have was the willingness to do to their enemies what their enemies were willing to do to them, namely slaughter tens of millions of manufactured enemies using trick technology.
These automated over-sized cargo bombers were responsible for over 15 million deaths during the 20th century as they dropped Napalm and other incendiary bombs over 3 thousand human cities towns and villages. Had the Allies attempted to fight WW2 honorably, they would not have used children and they wouldn't have used napalm.