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Discord ID: 183243633791729665

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Wow sjw


just stressed out about my job


well, lack thereof


turns out that i kept putting off work during the day for the weekend, but not working them

and missed meetings

they let me go :/

after i furnished the last feature

its all my fault

i need some type of mental overhaul;

because i would be exhausted

from not sleeping

it was in a way sometimes

but not really discord, just not having a set bedtime

not being on a schedual;


that's a good idea

it work?


well i had a few job offers while i was working

and i turned them down because of the laid back flexible time at my job

that would have almsot a 30% raise for me

i know i can do the job i just have to learn to manage my time

it hasn't really hit me yet

i was about to get a truck and sell the fucking leaf

but now idk what i need to save that i guess

well my work requires me to be fully rested

i need to find a remote job

so i never have to worry about being late

i will try it man

im trying to avoid falling into a depression right now

i had such a good setup

damn dude

do people really hate darth or what

nah chad did nuke his server

he admited it

right after

ah ok

my bad

so what is this server btw

what' sthe theme


u invited me right a few days ago

o k

im thinking about buying a mic from wallmart

can anyone recommend me

a cheap one

2019-09-20 05:24:09 UTC [Outer Heaven #join-log]  


gud morning

1) What is your age? 30s
2) What ideology do you identify with? Describe it. 3rd position, with a technocratic executive council
3) What purpose are you here for? Discussion
4) What is your gender? m
5) What is your general location? (Country) USA
6) What is your religious affiliation? Roman Catholic
7) What is your view on Ukraine, if any? Sad state of affairs

How can those dudes legally say that in Britain

what the fuck


is Nick Feuntues based?

like what

well, from what side

because both leftists and rightists make that argument

i had a discussion today with a boomer lady who insisted that facisim is facisim when people disagree with it and they use force to get people to comply


yeah i suck at spellin and shieet

maybe something from noam chomsky

for the left

the book? how is it

he's actually really good

i was an anarchist libertarian and he kind of had me supporting it

until the bit about open borders

that's what initally drew me away, watching the civil war in syria and calling for open borders

I realized that because i supported borders I wasn't as libertarian/anarchist as i expected

he's very long winded too


then i began to become more collectivist

as i earned more money

strange how that worked out


my biggest change was becoming a white nationlaist

due to an emotional appeal someone made to me

which was, why should you have to be rich to not have to live around blacks

why should poor white people have to suffer the experience when rich ones can just move

well the problem is living around blacks

not the income inequality itself

you get victimized

to be frank

your kids will grow up in the ghetto culture


like you don't want to raise your kid in the black enviroment

yeah lets bounce to general

@Fidel Castro they will likely get involved in the negative aspects of their culture

no its way worse in black community

even poor whites have less crime

and its beyond just the crime, its the way they treat women

the way they behave morally

things you don't want your kid exposed to right

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