Message from @Buddy Hobbs
Discord ID: 425043571763183627
This is my twitter profile I would be using to spread the message of my people...
@ Willempet
Yes @willempet
I see so many black South Africans laughing about all of this
Can I invite other people with big twitter profiles to join?
Guessing this is the general attitude over there?
Yes they are the worst
Yes just send them the link I sent you
They comment on all of my posts, but then I block them...
Just let me know who are verified South African so I know
Congratulations, @Buddy Hobbs you are now at level 2
Thanks, bot lol
I will
send the link here pls?
Congratulations, @Willem Petzer you are now at level 1
I cant copy it on twatter
@nickmon1112, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
This is Nick Monroe, I invited him...
@ecce_lux, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
Okay just checking
All verified South Africans are green
I'm busy making a video right now about Speaker's Corner but I'll be back
@Channe, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
If people don't know who I am, that's ok.
We're fighting actual oppression while SJWs are trying to create some that's not there
Oh you know Lauren?
hello - I'm an American who just wants to help in whatever small way I can
Thanks guys!
If you can RT Willem post that would help spread the word
He's verified South African
I think I'll make a YouTube video about it - I don't have a particularly large subscriber base, but I'll still make something to show anyway