Message from @FucknOathMate
Discord ID: 275142319575924736
I'm a peasant pls no bully
I had a business to write this shit off otherwise I'd be on a console
I'm poor anyway, but all my friends are on console
I'm so broke I don't even HAVE friends
All my friends are on the internet
The best gril I've met is in Melbourne and I'm a student do I can't go kidnap her and stuff her in my luggage
Hey speaking of Australians and Internet friends
She's also 8 years older than I am tho
26 is basically grandma tier
*rolls eyes*
All uni thots are ugly trash
Make do.
Save the race. What's wrong with you?
I'm not marrying a whale
Problem glass
Tavern wench
I don't know anything about Australia other than those muffins you sell gave me nightmares but it can't be all bad
It'd be like
Fucking frightening.
I grad uni
Trump should demand an official apology
She 31
I should kidnap her and chain her up until a graduate
I used to wake up screaming as a child afraid that girl that says "They make my mouth WAAA-TUH" was sneaking in to kill me in my sleep
It's entirely possible I'm insane as I also used to have those nightmares about James Earl Jones
Still do, sometimes.
Anyone on voice tonight
No. I'm afraid not.
@Vendetta Vidame yea we're on chat
I can't hear shit maybe I need to refresh
@everyone git up on dis chat nigguz
Tfw 4chan got that dude killed