Message from @FucknOathMate
Discord ID: 275147987829915649
No we don't want more females 1 is too many
I only have 1 sister
I wish I had a brother so I had someone I could bantz and not have them cry like faggots
Hey goys
git on da voice channoo
Another woman? AAAAAAAAA
Too diverse
Baked right
Hasn't been here long enough
He doesn't understand it well enough
Aus buzzfeed guy wanted to interview me
And I just said "yeah nah git fucked poo denter"
On twitter dms
Guy was a homo fgt
bran git up in dis chat son
I'm out right now wish I could
Spectreis the reason I'm red pilled
And he said "fuck off out of my country then coon"
Thought "I gon git me some of that"
lol spectre goes hard
Yeah and then I saw ppl negging Jews so I joined in as a meme first off
Then all of a sudden it stopped being a meme
so you were only doing it ironically at first?
ironic nazi?
Well sort of
I knew they were weird ppl
And ran everything
But I wasn't a holotoaster denier and shit yet
That was the fattest red pill
do yall have a holocaust memorial in roo land?
Yeah when I was 13-14 we had to go to the one in sydney
Some Jew woman was there telling us a really long boring story
I wonder why? Holocaust never happened there.
I asked her "is the lampshade stuff true because I've never seen a photo of Jews being skinned or any preserved Jew lamps"
As a total normie
I was fucking 13
I must've been secretly woke