Message from @Zorost
Discord ID: 277206215275315201
Are either of them gonna be at TRSlemania?
I occasionally prick Mcfeels about stuff that *should* be in the stack this week or that. No idea on TRSlemania
Nice. He's a great guy.
On an unrelated note, someone apparently tried to assassinate an antifa leader I hear? None of you goys I hope
Lil col kurtz running around
@johnny_nimble No way
I knew this was going to happen
Only a matter of time
The store said was interpersonal violence, not politically motivated
So probably 2 faggot employees who got jealous
I would bet, fwiw, that it was more than what the store chooses to let on. But granting your premise, its still nice to see
I've tried to go see some speakers at that bookstore recently, but I've yet to actually go.
Even funnier than the idea of a RWDS appearance is commie infighting that results in a shooting 😂
Not surprising. Those people probably have more infighting and countersignalling than we do.
"extreme moment"
You should go some time. Do you think they would know you aren't their people
Hopefully they'd be able to tell by the physiognomy.
Guys Gavin Was a member of Bugsswarm in 2011 see "2011 Swarm"
All I have to do is dress like a hipster and I won't be discernable from 30-50% of the White people there @johnny_nimble
Lefties have way more virtue spirals than we do. Its why their beliefs are so similar. Leftists in 60s had workshops for it, where they sat in chairs in a circle and talked about their failures and how they had to become better, while others encouraged/ castigated them. Can't remember what it was called, had a specific name. Very cultish
Gavin worked with the people who crafted the White Genocide meme, we can use this against him.
"Oh I'm not a Nazi"
Oh yes you are mother fucker
@Zorost "Staff Development Day" lol
That's a good one. Got proof?
Yea...I was there lol
Let me go back to 2011 at the site give me a little bitn
The event that would've been held tonight was called "Young, Angry, and Black" 😂
A bit redundant.
Apparently someone was eager to start the show
Tomorrow's event is "Mother Earth Poetry Vibe"
Start going to those and doing fashy slam poems.
Should. Be sly about it. They'll still clap even if they get it