Message from @Nikephoros
Discord ID: 277311342799618058
Kids are now doing the Roman Salute and shouting "Heil Hitler, Heil Trump", mystery meats currently panicking on social media
@WACRx I'm heading to bed man. Good talking to you.
Wtf is this Seattle judge shit p
i want one :(
a ginger QT 3.14 that wants 14 huwhite children?
I hear this woman is looking for a strong white male to keep her in line and breed many Aryan children. Her address is... crap, bad connection here, sec, hopefully its...
>tfw you try to wrangle autism but all you end up with is no will to live
>Eyebrows clearly aren't the same color
Don't get people's hopes up. This is not a natural hair color.
@Nikephoros good point, but natural fire red hair does exist
Carpet doesn't always match the drapes. I have reddish-brown beard, blondish-brown hair, blonde pubes
Oh good lord!
Oosh. The AltLight is dropping experiential red pills for us, left and right
Jews have to be spritzing pretty hard about now
@D'Marcus Liebowitz Yet another based guinea
Im just trying to familiarize myself with the app.
@Zorost what comedian was that?
Trump needs to pull an Andrew Jackson soon, and just issue the order to LEO anyway and see if they obey him rather than the courts
He's getting close to doing that
I'm already preparing how I'll respond to the autistic screeching on my normie FB feed when it does 😉
@Zorost If they follow the courts, it might be a bad look... 😞