Message from @BellaDashwood
Discord ID: 281676291114270720
The nigger kike collusion tax
You guys wanna see the best work of art on earth
I like those Earl
I also like Akaine's stuff too Bella, thanks for referring her to me
Tarsila do amaral - "operarios" - 1911 (check out how they were already pushing multiculturalism)
"look at me, masterpiece from a black" art on brazil is dead for centuries
Neologism is a thing form almost 4 centuries
its something that will never go away.
tfw no one is reading/caring for my points :^)
I care
i need to point out that this discussion is very inherently white.
This piece is Schoenberg's first in the 12-tone style. (All twelve tones of the chromatic scale are treated equally so their is no tonic or hierarchy) he set the rhythm to classical dance forms. Peak subversion.
goodnight alt-right