Message from @☇Unlimited Power☇
Discord ID: 284185918376640514
Ok folks. Going to bed. G'night
Have a good one, goy
There are so many pepe here
People, that should read people
The variety!
Spread this so jewonhead can go "hahaha conservatives are dumb for this, while I am le rationale centrist."
Nom nom
Check out Chef Goyardee (@thechefgoyardee):
Please follow me goyim
Hold on, I'm gonna make my nigger account
Aw shit, I need a Ukranian phone number to sign up. Damn
ask weev to fake one
Ha yes
Yeah, they didn't do that on signup last time I was on Twitter
Hey, I gotta go guys. Heil Victory. Gas the carbs. Food war now.
Later on Chef. Keep that oven warm
Shit, does anybody have a free SMS or message service that Twitter hasn't found out about? The one I'm using I think they're wise too
Try google voice
Shit, this is frustrating. Google Voice won't let me use SMS Online for it
(((google))) is interfereing in you interfereing with (((twitter))), go figure
sure you are doing it right? I had it work a month or 2 ago