Message from @Asgardian117
Discord ID: 284433166876540939
I've seen it
There are many degenerates that Point cannot be argued
Some are beyond reconciliation as well
It seems that nonwhite races don't have long conversations about the goodness of women before popping out their worthless spawn
None whatsoever
Muh twerk
I'm downright disgusted from my experiences thus far...maybe not the right word, but just sick of wasting energy.
Whoever it was that brought up the point that a benefit of monogamy was to curtail the courting process, thus freeing up energy for more productive uses had an excellent point.
That is as much as anything what i see dating as anymore: an energy black hole, with no real prospect of return on investment.
@everyone into voice gobbers
That's not true far from where are you meeting these women and what exactly are you looking for
Im in standards are white, in reasonable physical shape with the intention/habit of maintaining that, and some depth about them.
It seems to be a useless endeavor - some worthless degenerate is always able to present themselves in a superior manner, nevermind that they are likely full of shit.
How old are u
PhD in engineering
so basically your standard is white hot and smart
I am not going to stand for a whale, no.
And, yes, i am in similar shape...not demanding an olympian, but some self repect.
just jettison the intelligence reg and you'll find plenty of girls in LA
Not any that would be desirable to procreate with
I was just having this discussion with a friend of mine. He's down right distraught about the state of the dating scene
Sorry, im not interested in a relationship where i play preschool teacher - there is a level of intelligence disconnect where it just becomes painful
Then you're probably going to have to settle for less on the attractiveness scale
That being said, it seems as if it is a horseshoe spectrum - below a certain level folks arent so self conscious about that and more pleasant to be around
The same thing people notice with the mulatto SJWs
I sympathize with your situation it must be hard when most girls you meet are 2 standard deviations under you in IQ
I wouldn't know
I didn't say hot - i said in shape - there is a difference. One can be helped
Luckly, LA seems to have that advantage
That sounds way too harsh/arrogant - what i mean is that to have similar interests, not even to mention children that would follow in similar interests/fields, some bimbo isnt going to work
Thank you for the insight
Good luck man, sincerely
At least theres an engrained fitness culture in SoCal, at least thats my tourist take.
@everyone voice nao
*suppresses notifications*
@Brad's mobile yo dude stop spamming everyone. Use here if you are going to try to get people's attention. Also you live in a time zone that is totally different than everyone else who is mostly working or whatever the fuck euros are doing right now.
nobody has time to chat during real dingo hours