Message from @JohnnyMonoxide
Discord ID: 284570922269147136
the fucking dolphin one
never gets old
holy shit
I think the professor conceded a lot of foundational points that logically follow to our positions
It's going to keep him up at night
And the fact that he actually tried to debate Mike seemed like he was emotionally and intellectually invested
It will likely be a hit piece. But I think Mike still convinced him
brb niggz
@Wooderson can you turn your mic off when you're not talking
@Eli Mosley god i wish that were me
Makes the frikken frogs gay
thats everyone fav jones clip
@JohnnyMonoxide git in da discord son
oh hell yes
something to listen to before bed
@JohnnyMonoxide can i be on the show. i have no genuine paranormal experiences but i pretended to once to get laid.
@Zorost flour master race motherfucker!😂😂😂
Destroy everything
When u waiting for the kids to finally go to sleep so you can make the sex
Pinkies out bitches!