Message from @Myne1001
Discord ID: 288898980677681157
negros aren't heroes
Well some cities, like Boston, don't use a grid system as much, which makes accidents more likely. There are a lot of variables
it takes him
We're just having our standard fuck party that we hold once a month
@Myne1001 git in voice chat u marsupial nigger
no u
i am nigguh
no drugs no condoms no attitude
STOP lol
this is why we cant have nice things
@JohnnyMonoxide dont ruin the fun brah
br br br br br br?
weeeeeeeeeeanus peanus
Dammit d'marcus you're harshing my confirmation bias
Although I suspect my own theory because.I think spics are the worstest drivers
behead those who insult dingoes
i wish i was a dingo
My voice is acting up, but I got hit a couple years ago by this beaner who turned left on green. Had his nephew in the car. Driving without a license. Sued me for the kid's injury when it was his fault, but the kid wasn't hurt. He was born pigeon road and they used this as excuse. Insurance payed them a few thousand bucks to go away
Pigeon toed*
Fuckin Mexicans
that sucks @Kaiser Dishelm, i thought you were saying before that spics didn't have a negative impact on what cities are dangerous to drive in, which seemed suspect to me
shit ton of illegal drivers in a lot of cities, and they always get in accidents
No no I suspect they're worse than blacks. But I have special resentment for illegals because they're everywhere. Blacks are easily avoidable
I think blacks are probably slightly worse
But that wreck was 2 years ago and I'm still getting letters from lawyers about it. Mexicans couldn't tell insurance which doctor they went to, how much it cost, etc etc. Fraud is unacceptable, but an insult when abusers don't belong here in the first place
Honestly all non-white drivers are terrible. Asians,niggs, spics
Good redpill for wagecucks whose souls get destroyed by commuting