Message from @Eli Mosley
Discord ID: 288898813748445196
But street conditions highly correlate to niggers, tbh
babidy boopy spaghetti nigger do your homework
wtf is that
how does that work
that played while i was at work the other day
negros aren't heroes
Well some cities, like Boston, don't use a grid system as much, which makes accidents more likely. There are a lot of variables
it takes him
We're just having our standard fuck party that we hold once a month
@Myne1001 git in voice chat u marsupial nigger
no u
i am nigguh
no drugs no condoms no attitude
STOP lol
@JohnnyMonoxide dont ruin the fun brah
br br br br br br?
weeeeeeeeeeanus peanus
Dammit d'marcus you're harshing my confirmation bias
Although I suspect my own theory because.I think spics are the worstest drivers
behead those who insult dingoes
i wish i was a dingo
My voice is acting up, but I got hit a couple years ago by this beaner who turned left on green. Had his nephew in the car. Driving without a license. Sued me for the kid's injury when it was his fault, but the kid wasn't hurt. He was born pigeon road and they used this as excuse. Insurance payed them a few thousand bucks to go away
Pigeon toed*
Fuckin Mexicans
that sucks @Kaiser Dishelm, i thought you were saying before that spics didn't have a negative impact on what cities are dangerous to drive in, which seemed suspect to me