Message from @OrwellHuxley
Discord ID: 289775736980504578
it's going to go to the tobacco companies unless they change how they're approaching it
How come a abmnormally high ammount of mpople in the alt righ have in depth knowledge on drug making
ok, so I guess its like pople round her eknowing a lot about oil production / refning
Have been in for ages but my mike has packed in, goot ago get a hair cut soon
Be back once my mpos cut, maybe buy a mike at the same time
sounds good
Fatmir H from the former Yugoslavia? So a fucking refugee.
>tfw rip the skin when deadlifting
Wtf is that @wyatt Daily reminder that the power of autism will win us the war against cucks!
Serbia still clings to, or did until very recently, the definition of itself as a yugoslav rump state
But yeah that sounds like dodging the question
I have calluses
WHOMST HERE /hasninehourstoformata41pagepaper/ ???
WHO HERE /ismissingclassesanddrinkingproteinsmoothiesandlisteningtoBurzum/ ????
WHO HERE /fuckinghatescollegeandwantstojumpoutthefuckingwindow/ ????????
Just getting caught up on the HWNDU nuffin heist
so I CANT get aids from ripping my skin during deadlifting
I was scared
no, but you CAN get aids from taking poz loads in the butt. Have you seen your doctor about that yet?
why the fuck does everyone always say shit like that to me
first Skeleton king, then you
it's bottom of the barrel 6 year old banter