Message from @Convo
Discord ID: 293392906994319362
is this gas convo
leave me alone
it's not my fault some girls are cute and that it's enjoyable to save pictures of them
Gasa convo a here, what u wanarite? We takya orda rear fast and raundry serbices atu...
hmmm yes, i'd like to order one gassing of convo
u havvuu da
fry ry?
as soon as possible
guys dont tell anyone but ayers rock hides the hollow earth
Right away mam
just for a little bit
Published convo a man denied his own gas
@Campin' Carl fuck that's good
oh man
I fucking love dingos so much
What is this meme about me and gas
and why is everyone in on it but me
The eternal Pollack
how did you guys know my dinner was a half gallon of milk and that I'm milkfarting like crazy
Lucky guess
very lucky
I wish i was as lucky as you guys
Id rather have an easier time with Calc that the gifts I have
@Convo its one of those spontaneous things that isnt actually a meme but it seems like it
woo! my FTN replacement is up!
rockefeller died?
what did he do to trump to get the curse