Message from @asparkofpyrokravte

Discord ID: 522297546580951051

2018-12-12 06:02:02 UTC  

Eh, *some* embellishment isn't a bad thing

2018-12-12 06:03:10 UTC  

"A Closer Look at Boys Lagging in School Performance"

2018-12-12 06:04:27 UTC  

I do feel that saying 'our boys' is better than just boys, it puts the reader in a position of ownership of them

2018-12-12 06:05:10 UTC  

it does

2018-12-12 06:06:11 UTC  

It is also a homophone when at the beginning of a sentence though

2018-12-12 06:06:35 UTC  

depending on sentence structure

2018-12-12 06:06:56 UTC  

"Our boys and" is fine, but "Our boys falling behind" isn't

2018-12-12 06:07:56 UTC  

So I'm somewhat reticent to say "at Our Boys Lagging"

2018-12-12 06:08:15 UTC  


2018-12-12 06:08:18 UTC  


2018-12-12 06:08:33 UTC  

Those are some ideas I/Hadashi can pick through

2018-12-12 06:08:52 UTC  

Concerning the introduction, if you assume one of those titles, does the introduction work?

2018-12-12 06:08:53 UTC  


2018-12-12 06:09:01 UTC  

"Boys on average get lower grades in school compared to girls. This is almost universally true. There are several ways in which boys have particular issues with regard to schooling as compared to girls that cause this gap. What can be done about those issues? Well, it's complicated. There are some things that appear to be solvable or at least mitigated by school system, but some of the differences seem intractable, and everything is mired in politics. What follows is a summary of boys' issues with schooling, how those are being addressed, and hopefully a little of why those issues should be important to you."

2018-12-12 06:09:15 UTC  


2018-12-12 06:09:20 UTC  

Or is there some bit that ought to be improved still?

2018-12-12 06:15:43 UTC  

Minor nitpicks... Because Americans *do* tend to think about the US as the extent of the universe, I would put 'Throughout the world this is found to be the case' rather than universally true.

'By **the** school system'

Personally I think any of the titles work. But it does matter that it seems right to you specifically

2018-12-12 06:21:38 UTC  

Title atm: "Our Boys' Schooling Issues"

"Boys on average get lower grades in school compared to girls. This is true worldwide. There are several ways in which boys have particular issues with regard to schooling as compared to girls that cause this gap. What can be done about those issues? Well, it's complicated. There are some things that appear to be solvable or at least mitigated by the school system, but some of the differences seem intractable, and everything is mired in politics. What follows is a summary of boys' issues with schooling, how those are being addressed, and hopefully a little of why those issues should be important to you."

2018-12-12 06:22:22 UTC  

There are parallels between the title and the final sentence of the introduction. I am content-ish

2018-12-12 06:23:31 UTC

2018-12-12 06:23:58 UTC  

And I'm also not opposed to doing more revisions

2018-12-12 06:33:05 UTC  

I think you've done a lot of hard work on it all mate and it shows :3

2018-12-12 07:08:20 UTC  

@Men Are Human Use revision 3 just above when you read tomorrow/today.

2018-12-12 09:01:09 UTC  
2018-12-13 17:07:59 UTC  

Just started reading. I'll highlight any bits I edit.

2018-12-14 09:03:40 UTC  

@Men Are Human Thoughts so far?

2018-12-14 09:06:37 UTC  

I kinda liked the intro to version 2 actually.

2018-12-14 09:06:52 UTC  

We could well merge it a bit

2018-12-14 09:07:02 UTC  

Not much, but a little.

2018-12-14 09:08:50 UTC  


2018-12-14 09:09:17 UTC  

I'll have to see about it later, I've been kinda screwed over for writing this week. Had the landlord in ripping the house apart with masive wall-coring drill. It's like being stuck in a dentist. Lol

2018-12-14 09:10:22 UTC  

It's all done now, so I should be back on the horse today or tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to reading this properly

2018-12-15 13:15:26 UTC  

Just launched a new article on Men Are Human @everyone !

2018-12-15 13:35:30 UTC  

That has one significant omission unless a previous article has discussed it

2018-12-15 13:37:49 UTC  

Give that a read. While the wikipedia page specifically calls out affirmative action, any "ameliorative" reason can be given for a discriminatory law

2018-12-15 13:42:25 UTC  

basically this has its roots in the charter of rights in 1982, though specific wording saying that discriminating against men is ok might have been from the Employment Equity Act that is mentioned (1995/1986)

2018-12-15 15:15:15 UTC  

Thanks a lot. Do you want to write up a patch for the article? Or maybe a follow up

2018-12-15 15:27:48 UTC  

Hrm...I'm not sure. That's something I'd more discuss with BlueOrange22. The article stands on its own quite well, despite what I said. It would be possible to mention this at the bottom of "how this happened", referencing how the law doens't violate the charter despite the charter guaranteeing sexual equality under the law on account of the broad exception of section 15.2. Or one could make a paragraph towards the bottom of "It Gets Worse", noting that this is part of a long Canadian trend of creating trapdoors to avoid gender equality.

2018-12-15 15:28:16 UTC  

BlueOrange22 isn't here under that name though