Message from @blueorange22

Discord ID: 523863524141826058

2018-12-15 16:22:34 UTC  


2018-12-15 16:23:24 UTC  

There was this especially good one on gab that I liked. I wanted to use it into the next article, but I haven't heard back yet

2018-12-16 10:26:50 UTC  

Okay, could anyone who knows Canadian law give me a quick synopsis of the law they set up beforehand to make it harder for us?

2018-12-16 12:00:14 UTC  

Oh, can anyone confirm we need to alter the location to be specific to Ontario for that same article?

2018-12-16 12:35:12 UTC  

Cucknadian law is stupid

2018-12-16 12:35:29 UTC  

They are a true shining example of gynocentrism

2018-12-16 12:35:49 UTC  

oh, it gets worse

2018-12-16 12:35:54 UTC  

ive been meaning to do another post

2018-12-16 12:36:21 UTC  

All the funds for the girrlss and none for the booiis

2018-12-16 12:36:27 UTC  

but basically, they have one for "disaster preparedness" to and it boils down to men being exlcuding from resources and rescue efforts

2018-12-16 12:36:55 UTC  

That... Isn't fucking ethical

2018-12-16 12:37:42 UTC  

oh, its a real hoot

2018-12-16 12:38:04 UTC  

America should just Anex Canada

2018-12-16 12:38:10 UTC  

Like in the fallout series

2018-12-16 13:45:14 UTC  

@blueorange22 Those assholes...

2018-12-16 13:46:32 UTC  

Blue, would you do a full article on it for us rather than a one-shot post? I think you should consider an author name and basically send me everything.

2018-12-16 13:57:39 UTC

2018-12-16 13:58:29 UTC  

Okay. I've written an entirely new intro, and I want to add your article on to it. Basically I want to make the style a little less academic and more angry/acsessable

2018-12-16 13:58:52 UTC  

I admit, angry is pretty much my style choice, but I think it's engaging.

2018-12-16 13:59:31 UTC  

I really hope that I'm not overstepping with my editing here. There are a few points that probably need fixing, and some duplications.

2018-12-16 14:06:37 UTC  

@Men Are Human just posted the reddit post. but yes, an article is a good idea. I sort of did an article format

2018-12-16 14:34:30 UTC  

@blueorange22 it can well be reposted on the site, but I find brand new content gets the strongest reaction. The ideal length is about that of 'One girl is worth a hundred boys'

2018-12-16 14:35:40 UTC  

Don't worry either way. Maybe compile a few you have together and I'll edit & launch them as you go.

2018-12-18 01:24:31 UTC  

@Men Are Human Yikes. Okay then. I think atm the biggest problem with the rewrite is "Feminists especially are keen to see girls not only succeed, but utterly dominate. It is not enough to beat boys fairly -they must be crushed, by any means necessary." And as far as the education system goes, I haven't seen any evidence of that. Actually, some of the opposite, see the Israel study. Similarly, OECD the UK seem feminist to me, but even the UK didn't completely ignore boys' literacy needs, much less actively stymie them. Don't get me wrong, the UK is rather unfair towards boys, but more in a media-reacts-to-Boko-Haram sort of way, not a Valerie Solanas kind of way.

2018-12-18 01:24:56 UTC  

There also really isn't anything I could find on the Men Are Human site that takes a truly aggressive stance towards feminism, so this would be a rather strange first even if the UK did seem to be deliberately trying to increase the education gender gap by sabotaging boys. For instance, it should really come up in the rather clear family-law setting, or something else involving specifically the NOW before the murky education setting

2018-12-18 01:27:53 UTC  

Don't get me wrong, I'm more anti-feminist than mens-rights oriented myself, I just kinda thought the purpose of the site was kinda not to lean in that direction.

2018-12-18 01:28:35 UTC  


2018-12-18 01:34:19 UTC  

Secondly, you should really skim through the CCL paper for some context about all the goings on (or for that matter carefully re-read draft 3). This is not primarily a discrimination issue outside the anonymized-grades thing (and even then, unchecked bias rather than deliberate is hardly ruled out as an explanatory factor for much of it, and subconcious bias is at least a significant part of the issue, as the Israel paper and some others note that teachers tend to be harsher on same-gender). There is the usual callousness towards male needs, sure, but even when Australia made some crazy-big strides towards reducing the gap in how the genders are treated, the OECD results didn't show that having a measurable effect. That means this teaching boys is a legitimately hard thing and not one with lots of easy improvement.

2018-12-18 01:35:02 UTC  

Very different from family court.


2018-12-18 01:35:25 UTC  

I'll have a more detailed look at things tomorrow

2018-12-18 01:40:11 UTC  

@Men Are Human Also, did someone get you your explanation of Canadian law? What in particular did you need to know about?

2018-12-18 01:48:38 UTC  

Oh, do you have a source for "This means that boys don’t come close to catching up with girls by the time they sit their final exams. "? All the stuff I've looked at (and indeed, easily confirmable by anecdote) says there is much, much more variance between boys and other boys than between boys and girls.

2018-12-18 07:13:08 UTC  

Sorry if that wasn't accurate. And sorry if it is an overstatement

2018-12-18 07:16:39 UTC  

@asparkofpyrokravte I still haven't been told if Ontario has different laws from the rest of Canada, as far as I know. I should Google it to be honest.

2018-12-18 07:18:10 UTC  

@asparkofpyrokravte I actually did have a source for boys being behind at age 16, but I need to hunt it out. Bear in mind that everything I wrote it a first draft. If need be we can delete the bits that are wrong or poorly written.

2018-12-18 07:34:56 UTC  

@Men Are Human Even though I'm not Canadian, if you tell me exactly which law you're looking for, I can take a look around for you, if you like

2018-12-18 07:35:34 UTC  

Different provinces of Canada do have different laws on that level

2018-12-18 07:54:40 UTC  

I volunteered in a high school about 10 years ago mostly working with one lad in year 7- he could barely read or write at age 12.. we'd look round the school library for something he was interested in reading but it was almost all fiction aimed at typical girls interests which was a big problem when trying to get the kid interested

2018-12-18 08:03:14 UTC  

(uk highschool).. people know the gaps between girls and boys exsist but seem to blame boys themselves for the issues (its because boys think its not cool to learn etc) rather than the way kids are being taught now is not suitable for most boys (because if they started admitting that it would mean admitting gender differences - but genders a social construct)..

2018-12-18 08:10:44 UTC  

@InsaneCaterpilla Just wondering if the law we talk about on the front page of the site only applies to Ontario