Message from @Abbysol

Discord ID: 528205788871786496

2018-12-28 13:28:55 UTC  

Right, so blue. First of all, it is definitely a low effort/antagonistic post. That is one of the most common questions on that sub, and it keeps getting asked.

2018-12-28 13:29:16 UTC  

Also, can you slow down please? I am having a hard time keeping up

2018-12-28 13:29:30 UTC  

'"Given that you posted the same thing on MR, and are now discussing our answers over there, I don’t have much credence in this being a “good faith” post. You are on the thinnest of all possible ice."
This one makes sense. It is very similar to quite a lot of "hur dur look at these stupid people" posts you see everywhere.

2018-12-28 13:30:24 UTC  

thats fast for you? sorry. but i do NOT see that as an antagonistic post, it's a relevant question and it was 3 years ago. the poster doesnt know when else questions where asked

2018-12-28 13:31:45 UTC  

Yes, that is fast for me mate. Not the fastest of typers here.

So the thing is, the question may have been relevant at first but it keeps getting asked. The example you linked is only 3 days old.

2018-12-28 13:31:47 UTC  

but how? its not "good faith post"...based on what?? why wrong with posting it in both subs? if anything, thats getting a balanced view

2018-12-28 13:32:36 UTC  

ah, indeed.

2018-12-28 13:33:03 UTC  

well IMO that makes them even worse because thats a logically indefensible view. you're not saying anything to justify those comments

2018-12-28 13:33:57 UTC  

Because the OP is "discussing" the answers in a Q&A thread in a community that is very clearly in opposition to the first group. And as it is asking a question about the POV of a specific group, it is not really something that you can get a balanced view of.

2018-12-28 13:34:04 UTC  

r/askfeminists is a trash propaganda site. it shouldnt be given any serious consideration, for anything

2018-12-28 13:34:17 UTC  

how so?

2018-12-28 13:34:33 UTC  

If we could just refrain from bold and brash claims for the time being, that would be great.

2018-12-28 13:34:38 UTC  

"Because the OP is "discussing" the answers in a Q&A thread in a community that is very clearly in opposition to the first group. " i think that makes perfect sense

2018-12-28 13:37:18 UTC  

I've spoken with askfeminism people a bit, one of the few feminists subs I have gone to and not been banned from, I don't think they are bad people, I think they are just misguided in some areas, I think labeling them as malicious is disingenuous, although some of them can very much come across that way at times, also the rule that people bring up a lot about the "only feminists can respond" although seems unfair it makes sense as the sub is called "ask feminists"

2018-12-28 13:38:39 UTC  

to label us a hate group is completely unreasonable. in what ay? which of our positions are hateful?

2018-12-28 13:39:04 UTC  

they frustrate me so much, sometimes I want to loose my shit at them because their apathy towards men is just so blatant and apparent, I don't think it is because they are actively trying to be bad people, and we wont achieve anything by blocking ourselves off from each other.

2018-12-28 13:39:05 UTC  

However, this particular thread is not existing in a vacuum chamber. There is a long history of negative and abusive behavior between the two groups. The only reason for one to post such a link is for the group being discussed to see criticisms

2018-12-28 13:40:26 UTC  

@blueorange22 It is not nessecarily the positions of MRAs that are hateful, but rather the actions. I have read too many stories of feminists being harassed by self professed MRAs across the web.

2018-12-28 13:40:51 UTC  

the harassment happens on both sides

2018-12-28 13:41:11 UTC  

I've found that a lot of the time those harassments are actually legit criticisms.

2018-12-28 13:41:13 UTC  

it results in people becoming quite jaded

2018-12-28 13:41:23 UTC  

And other times it is rape and death threats @Men Are Human

2018-12-28 13:41:38 UTC  

@Men Are Human exactly. they accuse of us of being sexist and not really caring about mens rights. who the hell are they to make that call on our behalf?

2018-12-28 13:42:30 UTC  

from today "Their whole existence is explicitly antagonistic to the idea women deserve liberation. Feel free to click the links in that article because it sources most of what it is describing be it harassing behavior, misogynistic quotes, or distortion of facts. You state that Men's Rights has more facts on their side so I wonder if you actually have as critical an eye on their rhetoric. Most of what they say is to lay blame on women's feet or feminism but the problems they describe are societal problems that men are guilty of enforcing as well. I rarely ever see them propose an actual all-encompassing solution or address structural barriers to solve the problems they claim to care about."

2018-12-28 13:42:41 UTC  

The problem on both sides is this: Each tries to paint the lowest common denominator of the opposing group as the average. Feminists are all painted as misandrist bigots, and MRAs are all painted as rape apologists

2018-12-28 13:43:19 UTC  

but thats ridiculous

2018-12-28 13:43:42 UTC  

we can show direct evidence of feminist supporting discriminatory law

2018-12-28 13:43:46 UTC  

and hate speech

2018-12-28 13:43:56 UTC  

you cant find examples from us because we dont do that

2018-12-28 13:44:34 UTC  

in an alternate world where MRAs had the power, no doubt the same thing would be shown

2018-12-28 13:44:39 UTC  

again, i maintain that by any reasonable standard, we are the more fair and rational side. you say "everything is subjective", but that could be said about anything. does make it sensible

2018-12-28 13:44:43 UTC  


2018-12-28 13:45:04 UTC  

we arent in an alternative world and you have absolutely no way of knowing that, thats purely speculative

2018-12-28 13:46:48 UTC  

The problem here is that we are comparing a group with hundreds of millions of members, to a group with only a few thousand. Logically there would be more examples of poor behavior from the vastly larger side, especially when you take into account Nolan's Law.

2018-12-28 13:48:01 UTC  

Talk about absolutely sexist and discriminatory laws feminists had made

2018-12-28 13:49:51 UTC  

we do have those examples- feminists opposing recognition f male rape victims in india, opposing equal conscription and equal pension ages, shutting down the MRM , etc

2018-12-28 13:49:58 UTC  

im doing just that right now on reddit

2018-12-28 13:50:04 UTC  

ill link my comment when its done

2018-12-28 13:51:50 UTC  

I am aware of those examples.

2018-12-28 13:52:09 UTC  

people DIE because of MR issues. when they spread disinformation that we are a hate group, they are HURTING people by hindering our efforts to help them