Message from @oof
Discord ID: 531283067780857856
But I don't have anything that Pizzey said that would really demonstrate that
That said, I also don't have anything that would suggest that Pizzey actively tried to work with feminists either
What I did read was that feminists made an enemy out of her, not the other way around
sure, but that happened after she fled the country to the US
Just off the top of my head (don't quote me), I recall when she first opened the domestic violence shelter for women it was because she thought it was solely a woman's problem, only to find that a lot of the women abused their place at the shelter and were just as violent. While that's not solely a feminist view, I do think she was involved with feminism. They then turned against her when she pointed this out. That could be viewed as working with feminists till they made it impossible. Of course she never identified as an MRA though
At least not until joining AvFM. But anyways, please let it rip Sick, since you seem to have it ready
Oh, nvm, you did in the serious channel
Boy, you guys really had quite the debate there.
IMO it's difficult to justify the harassment and opposition feminists show towards the mere recognition of male victims of domestic violence, ESPECIALLY if they claim to "oppose gender stereotypes". if that were true, they'd be open to the idea that men can be victims
Yep. But that's how people who are wrong and know it act. People who actually believe they are right don't need to shout.
Unless it’s noisy...
Well, what I meant was they don't need to call you a bunch of names. Lol
And screach
Loki was just being witty
what do you make of this lads?
I think I saw some article or something along those lines, but I can't remember it all. I'll have to watch it later when I have time
Well going by the sensational title it looks kind of bs, since a lot of things contributed to the fall of Rome and something like feminism was probably the least of their worries
Mostly unsustainable growth and a standing military so large that it stretches their resources way too thin, as well as an internal uprising from what they liked to call “the barbarians”
Also the whole thing how in Ancient Rome women where always put up on pedestals, the feminine was considered sacred and worshiped, specifically under the goddess Venus, sex also was much less demonised in Ancient Rome, bisexuality was accepted and that’s where you get the famous Roman orgies, in which both men and women took part in, but only the upper class as it was very frivolous and decadent
not exactly to debate but damn is it fucked up
Mate, the debate channel is for debating men's rights issues
If you wanna discuss that in <#512584678314606613> that's fine
Is ok to believe in the concept of Patriarchy BUT not believe in the concept of privilege?
Also why feminists can't understand these two are different things?
Sometimes it's hard to debate them.
Feminists have to blame others for their life otherwise its their own responsibility, and feminism is all about freeing women from responsibility
Yeah, I just avoid debating them at this point.
sometimes I need to scratch that itch
It’s why a lot of feminist scholars have abandoned the name patriarchy and use kyriarchy now... more or less same thing under a different name
I did not know that.
Contrary to a lot of feminists telling me I know nothing about feminism
what the hell is kyriarchy
also yeah I have noticed they have like... "evolved". like being a white feminist is now privileged against PoC feminists.
They canceled some women's March because there were too many white women
That privilege game is a result of a bunch of oppression obsessed idiots misinterpreting the point of intersectionalism
I don't think I would marry a feminist
it's the oppresion race. In order to have a higher ground and make my message more important and less debatable, I must suffer oppression. And now that everybody near me suffers oppression, I will find something else to be in a higher ground than everybody else.
Or the idea that group A is more oppressed then group B so Group B is not allowed to have an opinion on Group A however they are allowed to have an opinion on group B