Message from @asparkofpyrokravte

Discord ID: 534255491854106644

2019-01-13 04:56:46 UTC  

Contrary to a lot of feminists telling me I know nothing about feminism

2019-01-13 05:08:55 UTC  

what the hell is kyriarchy

2019-01-13 05:09:59 UTC  

also yeah I have noticed they have like... "evolved". like being a white feminist is now privileged against PoC feminists.

2019-01-13 05:18:25 UTC  

They canceled some women's March because there were too many white women

2019-01-13 05:20:17 UTC  

That privilege game is a result of a bunch of oppression obsessed idiots misinterpreting the point of intersectionalism

2019-01-13 05:21:18 UTC  

I don't think I would marry a feminist

2019-01-13 05:23:27 UTC  

it's the oppresion race. In order to have a higher ground and make my message more important and less debatable, I must suffer oppression. And now that everybody near me suffers oppression, I will find something else to be in a higher ground than everybody else.

2019-01-13 05:30:29 UTC  

Or the idea that group A is more oppressed then group B so Group B is not allowed to have an opinion on Group A however they are allowed to have an opinion on group B

2019-01-13 08:01:27 UTC  

The ideology is a torus. They get you on it and spin you around until the contradictions start to make sense.

2019-01-13 08:50:30 UTC  

@Jaibamon @Abbysol Very true, I think

2019-01-13 08:50:43 UTC  

@Uberduperdrew Probably best not to!

2019-01-13 11:19:52 UTC  

Male circumcision debate. Thought you lot would be interested... -

2019-01-13 13:40:41 UTC  

Best not to what @Men Are Human

2019-01-13 14:58:16 UTC  

Marry a feminist. I guess it depends on which branch of feminism, but I wouldn't risk it. Plenty of other fish!

2019-01-13 18:44:46 UTC  


2019-01-13 18:44:52 UTC  

Yeah it's not worth the risk

2019-01-14 06:20:06 UTC  

@Jaibamon "Is ok to believe in the concept of Patriarchy BUT not believe in the concept of privilege? Also why feminists can't understand these two are different things?"

2019-01-14 06:20:15 UTC  

The best definition of patriarchy I could find comes from here:

2019-01-14 06:20:19 UTC  

It implies privilege, and it also implies privilege is important/unjust

2019-01-14 06:20:35 UTC  

You can believe in privilege without believing in patriarchy, but I'm not sure you can do the other way around by that definition

2019-01-14 06:21:05 UTC  

Is there another common definition of patriarchy?

2019-01-14 06:23:44 UTC  

I think the approach of trying to infer a definition by useage is probably misguided in this case.

2019-01-14 06:28:32 UTC  

Patriarchy is just another feminist term for life or biological reality.

2019-01-14 06:28:59 UTC  

The system does not favour men or women

2019-01-14 06:30:04 UTC  

And If the system does not favour men at the cost of women, It cannot be called patriarchy rather than life reality. But at times women gets favored At the cost of men.

2019-01-14 06:30:49 UTC  

The powerful as well as the most powerless in the system is males

2019-01-14 06:31:00 UTC  

What do you mean by 'the system'? Because if you are referring to our courts/prisons/even laws such as VAWA and discriminatory hiring biases and scholorships, the system overwhelmingly favours women

2019-01-14 06:31:28 UTC  

The 'natural system'

2019-01-14 06:36:03 UTC  

Patriarchy is just another unnecessary word for life(biological) reality as Mansplaining is another word for condescension.

Both designed to shift the blame onto men.

2019-01-14 08:21:12 UTC  


2019-01-14 08:21:23 UTC  

That and toxic mascalinity

2019-01-14 09:43:35 UTC  

the funny part I find, I grew up in a household that was half Samoan, my stepdad and most of my siblings being Samoan in lineage, that is actually a legitimate patriarchal culture, it's not that bad honestly, just the idea of the man of the house, oldest male sun runs everything and then would joke that only if his wife says so, but despite this you will find a lot of people defend that kind of actual Patriarchy because it's not white people so it's okay.

2019-01-14 09:44:58 UTC  

my mum got a lot of shit from nana because she earned more then my stepdad, she also got a lot of shit from the Samoan side of the family when she kicked me out of home because that kind of thing (abandoning family) goes so much against the culture.

2019-01-14 09:51:12 UTC  

Wow. You should write us an article, or a few paragraphs, on how it works.

2019-01-14 09:51:46 UTC  

I want to hear more about your half-salmon heritage too. XD

2019-01-14 09:54:53 UTC  

not much else to hear other then it sends me into a full on identity crisis every now and then, I am like, really white, but my dad is aboriginal and most of my siblings are Samoan, so I get people yell at me a lot for saying things that I am not allowed to because of my skin colour, good times... but I think that is more a race issue then a men's rights issue, and aside from hearing my Nana complain about it I am not all too familiar with full on traditional Samoan culture, I know it is Patriarchal in nature, but I never was involved as much in that... mostly just all the food and the family and religious stuff from it.

2019-01-14 09:59:02 UTC  

the more this culture war shit goes on the more I realize I had a really abnormal upbringing, I have shown an old family photo around and people get legitimately shocked at it.

2019-01-14 10:03:00 UTC  

sometimes even I feel like I am making all this shit up, lol xD

2019-01-14 10:09:09 UTC  

That is really interesting. Maybe you could tell me about the Patriarchy side more?

2019-01-14 10:19:06 UTC  

it is just legit old school, eldest male is expected to run the family/tribe, Patriarchy in the most basic, unchanged sense of the word... like it's actual definition and not the feminist definition, sure Samoan women can't be leaders or chiefs, they are just expected to fill the women's role.