Message from @Indigo

Discord ID: 548480800950059020

2019-02-20 01:02:59 UTC  

But if you read that, you can see how 1st wave, 2nd wave, and 3rd wave all had parts that sound basically the same

2019-02-20 01:03:32 UTC  


2019-02-20 01:03:57 UTC  

Patriarchy theory was fringe 2nd wave and mainstream 3rd, but they were already talking about systematic oppression of women before 1st wave

2019-02-20 01:04:36 UTC  

the term was 2nd wave, but the idea was earlier

2019-02-22 12:13:34 UTC  

I honestly believe metoo and the hysterical "listen and believe" culture it didn't necessarily create, but greatly enhanced, is going to demotivate a generation of men from becoming successful

2019-02-22 12:13:40 UTC  

Think about it

2019-02-22 12:13:51 UTC  

What's the point of climbing the socioeconomic ladder

2019-02-22 12:14:05 UTC  

If at any point in time all it takes is one accusation from a woman

2019-02-22 12:14:22 UTC  

To get you fired, blacklisted from the industry, and left in ruins.

2019-02-22 12:14:29 UTC  

All without a trial.

2019-02-22 12:15:54 UTC  

It's also discouraging some guys from even going to university

2019-02-22 12:16:02 UTC  

because one accusation from a woman can get you expelled

2019-02-22 12:16:09 UTC  

again, without a trial.

2019-02-22 12:18:32 UTC  

And unless you have solid evidence that proves without a shadow of a doubt that you are innocent (i.e. I have proof I wasn't in the country during the alleged incident and here's 37 witnesses who were in the room with me at the time to testify to that) then you will forever be guilty in the eyes of the general public. Even if you're found not guilty at a trial, the general public will look at you like you're a sexual predator that slipped through the cracks.

2019-02-22 12:21:15 UTC  

This is the near future we're talking about....a generation of young men who either live with their parents until they die and stay home watching anime and playing video games...or at most, getting a low profile minimum wage job and just laying low.

2019-02-22 12:21:52 UTC  

And of course almost none of these men will speak up about why they are behaving like this

2019-02-22 12:22:29 UTC  

because they know that they'll be doxxed, labeled a misogynist, potential rapist, etc.

2019-02-22 12:22:43 UTC  

and that they're powerless to change society anyway

2019-02-22 12:26:27 UTC  

That's terrifying, and I hope it doesn't go that way - for everyone's sake.

2019-02-22 12:26:48 UTC  

We are already seeing it

2019-02-22 12:26:53 UTC  
2019-02-22 12:27:03 UTC  

Japan is an example

2019-02-22 21:03:50 UTC  


2019-02-22 21:06:00 UTC  

Hordes of unmotivated men going recluse

2019-02-22 21:56:57 UTC  

Japan's sexual culture issues are not, I would say, comparable to US sexual culture issues

2019-02-22 22:04:50 UTC  

@Suzaku Kururugi i think this IS happening and i used to worry about how bad it will get, but i think people are already beginning to resist. people are much more willing to believe the accused to, there have been multiple public false accusations, plus everytime someone is falsely accused thats them and some of their family/friends added to the list of people who are awakened to the reality of things.

2019-02-22 22:05:21 UTC  

i think SJWism has already peaked in it's power. it may still get bigger, but it will never have the absolutely monopoly on the narrative it had in 2017ish

2019-02-22 22:05:29 UTC  

first half of 2018, etc

2019-02-22 22:05:58 UTC  

its noticable around reddit, on neutral and even left leaning subreddits, people dont blindly follow the SJW line anymore

2019-02-22 22:06:02 UTC  

Who knows at this point?

2019-02-22 22:07:13 UTC  

that reddit link that just crossed the feed about body posivity for men was actually quite promising

2019-02-22 22:07:17 UTC  

i live in LA/hollywood which is an SJW capital and its DEFINITELY different than it once was. like when theres a metoo story now people in grocery stores or just in public are 30% skeptical, when a year ago it was mabe 5%

2019-02-22 22:07:35 UTC  

I saw a lot of people speaking up about the fact that men have no body positive movement and are shamed for bringing it up around female body positive speakers

2019-02-22 22:08:24 UTC  

I do think SJW fatigue is setting in, and that the general public is starting to see the discrimination against men in their messages about 'equality'

2019-02-22 22:09:37 UTC  

SJWism should been crept up more slowly, it suddenly exploded in 2014 and tried instant exponential growth. they would have had to had a 10 year fuse, taking it easy and gradually for the first 5 years, instead of instantly promoting people who tweet "kill white men", etc

2019-02-22 22:11:29 UTC  

too many people agree with what we're saying for the worst outcome to happen.

2019-02-22 22:11:55 UTC  

they are being too openly hateful and dismissive

2019-02-22 22:12:07 UTC  

its raising red flags in non-psychotic people

2019-02-22 22:12:27 UTC  

my guess is that sometime in 2020 will be when the pendelum shifts to proMRA and anti-SJW comments being upvoted on default subs openly, public figures can say it, etc

2019-02-22 22:12:42 UTC  

@Maxthx exactly.

2019-02-22 22:13:27 UTC  

then there will be an MRA music artist, and anti-SJW celebrity, or viral video, then children will start saying it to their parents, then kids doing presentations or starting clubs in high school, etc