Message from @asparkofpyrokravte

Discord ID: 550064921661014036

2019-02-26 21:09:28 UTC  

gender quotas aren't really keeping men out of jobs up here

2019-02-26 21:09:47 UTC  

well, not on the university side

2019-02-26 21:09:59 UTC  

The employment discrimination is especially galling over here

2019-02-26 21:10:02 UTC  

Have you ever considered that the reason for that is that more men choose to work and women take 'time off'?

2019-02-26 21:11:31 UTC  

Yeah, that is an example of female privilege, not having to care as much about wealth to have a good life

2019-02-26 21:12:00 UTC  

But issues that are merely female privilege are right now kinda the lowest of the lesser issues

2019-02-26 21:12:52 UTC  

The point is that enough people get into university that it really doesn't impact lifetime employment opportunities that much

2019-02-26 21:14:15 UTC  

I imagine it prevents men (or boys) participating in the education they otherwise deserve to get gainful employment *in the fields they deserve*

2019-02-26 21:14:36 UTC  

It doesn't though. If you get a 1.8 gpa you're not getting employment from your degree

2019-02-26 21:14:59 UTC  

Gpa means nothing to me, I'm British

2019-02-26 21:15:21 UTC  

Oh. If you pass university with something like 60%, no company is going to hire you based on your degree

2019-02-26 21:17:18 UTC  

The british situation might be significant depending on how many go to university over there, but in Canada (esp.), and also the US, getting into the university system is far easier than it is useful. So women being able to get in easier...meh

2019-02-26 21:18:10 UTC  

Important programs like prestigious medical stuff doesn't have affirmative action for women, because they tried it for a brief period and realized that they were causing an experienced doctor's shortage due to women not working as much as men

2019-02-26 21:18:45 UTC  

where did you get this information

2019-02-26 21:19:01 UTC  

I ask because I work in a medical field and this is still a major problem

2019-02-26 21:19:27 UTC  

Are you counting the overwhelming amount of scholorships which are woman only in your consideration of how much the education system is biased?

2019-02-26 21:19:40 UTC  

It's not easy if you can't afford it

2019-02-26 21:21:08 UTC  

Oh wow, that was actually a japanese source: “Women often quit their jobs due to marriage and childbirth after graduating from the university,” the source told the Yomiuri Shimbun. “There is a strong feeling within the university that male doctors support the medical services at its hospitals.”

“There was a silent understanding [to accept more male students] as one way to resolve the doctor shortage,” the source told the Yomiuri Shimbun, according to the Washington Post. The policy was a “necessary evil,” the source said.

2019-02-26 21:21:15 UTC  

Not at all what I remembered it as

2019-02-26 21:21:37 UTC  

So I'm actually talking out of my ass on that one

2019-02-26 21:21:48 UTC  

That is no longer continuing

2019-02-26 21:22:18 UTC  

"Are you counting the overwhelming amount of scholorships which are woman only in your consideration of how much the education system is biased?" -- ABSOLUTELY NOT. That is a real issue

2019-02-26 21:22:37 UTC  

I was hoping you were right, but underqualified females in entry level medical positions is a very serious problem

2019-02-26 21:22:44 UTC  

that I deal with on a daily basis

2019-02-26 21:22:54 UTC  

But entry level medical positions means nurses right?

2019-02-26 21:23:04 UTC  

You're not talking doctors/surgeons?

2019-02-26 21:23:09 UTC  

in my particular job position it means Lab Assistants

2019-02-26 21:23:14 UTC  


2019-02-26 21:24:02 UTC  

they show up for work after receiving the position with almost no understanding of the rules and regulations of working in a Lab Environment and I have to spend months training them before I can even allow them to do their job

2019-02-26 21:24:42 UTC  

I've complained about it so much to my supervisors but nothing has changed and I'm starting to receive subtle warnings that I should stop complaining or my career might be in danger

2019-02-26 21:24:50 UTC  

its absolutely terrifying

2019-02-26 21:25:14 UTC  

Is that university admissions or employment discrimination? Those are two very different beasts

2019-02-26 21:25:41 UTC  

university admissions is what I'm arguing is nonserious

2019-02-26 21:25:47 UTC  

I have no idea, I don't handle job placement

2019-02-26 21:25:54 UTC  

the hospital management does

2019-02-26 21:26:16 UTC  

from what I can tell its gender discrimination though

2019-02-26 21:27:00 UTC  

its pandemic throughout the STEM community

2019-02-26 21:27:14 UTC  

Yeah, when they did gender blind hiring for government jobs in Australia they found they hired more men. Then they stopped doing that because it didn't have the result they wanted (sexist bastards)

2019-02-26 21:27:18 UTC  

And yeah

2019-02-26 21:27:27 UTC  

I used to work in computer science