Message from @Andy
Discord ID: 282655214853423105
lets continue
@Andy RSB's streams suck.
should somebody put an invite link into the chat for this?
@Fokma(Bonjour) sure
Progressivism in one picture.
@Void i can top u
but nice pic
@Iamawesom gtfo in here
Guess what
im too inept to recognize it
Real 7.92 mauser
>In game
>Spamming nukes everywher
at work what habbening???
Trump rally. HWNDU started up again. Not a lot else
Did antifa mess anything up or did security hold them back
trump has repel commie in a level 9 spell slot as a level 35 paladin of kek
I love my life
@Iamawesom computer shut down
Save it
lol trolling Occupy Dems is like shooting fish in a barrel.
what are you guys talking about
did trump say something cool
Elites were btfo
Antifa is calling that guy who came up deranged
guy who came up?
I'm feelin' pretty tuckered out tonight