Discord ID: 164431734979428352
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do you guys listen to christopher cantwell
hes my new favorite
is anticom a good name
it would make sense for them to fund it tbh
i dont know why weve never thought of it before
are minorities allowed in anticom
i assume so
is anticom libertarian or national socialist
what is it
well, national socialism is pretty retarded too so thats why i had to ask
i cant believe a reality tv star is the president and the guy who makes dilbert comics is americas #1 political analyst
are you guys excited that public school got BTFO today, with based pence providing the tie breaking vote
what is a hothead
australians are so unbelievably hairy
its pretty unreal
this wont succeed if you wont make it fun
you have to let people meme
orban is based
its almost ironic really
the only reason eastern europe isnt cucks is because communism kept them from toxic western thought
nah i get u
im inclined to believe statism is biological
because we never learn
its a bad idea
in some people at least
i love those stupid brain memes
joy villa is the most attractive black woman ive ever seen
im a civic nationalist tbh
i think we can pull it off
honestly anticom should just give up
well never recover from this handshake
why in blue and not purple
dont u likefreedom
when was the last anticom general thread on /pol/ anyway
i assume most of us are libertarians
this chan doesnt seem like the natsoc type
do you guys take the test with the goal of getting to where hitler is
because im pretty sure its really hard
to get there naturally
id rather have the bimbo as a wife than the book reader
because she prob is an sjw at college
cubans prove we can get brown people to vote for freedom if we try hard enough
theres a lot of brown ones too
when pinochet left didnt 40% of the people like him
why is it so hard to find pro pinochet chileans
this is old news
if you think about it
the 4chan color scheme is very similar to an egyptian hyroglyph wall
and not only that
we communicate in pictures in almost every post
alaskas overton window is still 50 years behind the rest of the nations
their version of antifa is a middle aged white guy saying the state should have medicare
god bless alaska
yeah i never get the anarchist socialists
they want the state gone but they want the gibs mes
i know its a joke but I dont get that last panel
i never see libs talking about pedo tendencies
Ive come to the conclusion that I dont think IQ matters too much
i think its just bad education and an opportunistic party that teaches people to ask for gibs
before the welfare state kicked off blacks were as clasically liberal as whites in america
so you know
i dont think we need an ethnostate
even whites are starting to ask for gibs more now
its just it took longer for the public education system
and hollywood
to get to us
yeah but i think its obvious you can teach people freedom and it will stick
no matter what race
i think if trump has good economic results, and he will
well see a paradigm shift
i think it was statism that had its beginnings with abraham lincoln that began the decline
and then fdr kicked it into over drive
back then we had good morals when it came to economic policy
abe wrecked states rights and thats not ok
I dont think it was minorities that made america worse
what are you guys talking about
did trump say something cool
im reading a reddit comment on r/worldnews where the guy is breaking down the french election
apparently france has a socialist party
but it gets better
they have a communist one too
i mean jesus christ really
thats insane
maybe the New World was a mistake
all the alphas immigrated away
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