Message from @Fokma(Bonjour)
Discord ID: 282642388537704458
no matter what race
i think if trump has good economic results, and he will
well see a paradigm shift
>weimarr republic
>german civil war
The problem with civic nationalism is that it assumes all people can and will hold the same civic values. Governments and politics change over time, while nations are constant. Ethno-states make more sense for this reason: they outlast transitions in political dynamics while binding their people together by a common heritage.
bump that thread you whoresons
Ethno-nationalism was in fact the default until modern liberalism began condemning it (except when the Jews do it, of course). The United States was a de-facto white ethno-state until the 1965 Hart-Cellar Act overturned nearly two centuries of laws designed to preserve America's white demographics.
i think it was statism that had its beginnings with abraham lincoln that began the decline
and then fdr kicked it into over drive
back then we had good morals when it came to economic policy
abe wrecked states rights and thats not ok
I dont think it was minorities that made america worse
That's a totally different subject.
@Andy RSB's streams suck.
should somebody put an invite link into the chat for this?
@Fokma(Bonjour) sure
Progressivism in one picture.
@Void i can top u
but nice pic
@Iamawesom gtfo in here
Guess what
im too inept to recognize it
Real 7.92 mauser
>In game
>Spamming nukes everywher