Nonon Jakuzure
Discord ID: 221817481709355008
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and the arrows are in right hand that means state of war
its writers last name is (((cohen)))
cant we just kill them lol
if 25+ people went full shooter status
then maybe we get something done
hi @ fbi
can we agree richard spencer is a faggot
the whole alt right meme makes me ree
If we need a martyr hit me up I have nothing to live for anyway
Ok ok
are we not fash
im fash
hi vice
she seems like a nice women
sorry english not first language
to /x/
>main person
get out of here Richard
>do u even tor
babbys first internet
she is just a meat bag
i respect her rights
>having sex
>implying there is a masterrace
can i be meme viceroy
hi fbi
we wuz klanz n shiet
wear yellow hat
yellow baseball hats backwards
>trump supporters violently fight antifa
sounds bad
two lightning bolts
pretty original
tfw ur college has no leftists
*not enough
If you're not fash ur last
@Iamawesom >what is murder suicide
I watch Isis execution videos and hitler speeches/best gore on my unis wifi
Idc if they track me
I'm already on watch lists
>not getting a Kalashnikov
Nice meme rifle
Did we settle on the uniform issue
That's kinda larpy but I'll take it
Why not take black shirts and wear a colored hat
Black is more fa than olive
So patches are good
When ur uni has a free speech ball
Who here /lonelyandvulnerable/ to ideologies
>using reddit
> (((alt right))))
Fuck typo
>white nationalism
Keep Europe white
America isn't the same
Sorry to break it to u desu
Also white are just as degenerate
Come to Deep South where I live
Plenty of useless nigger tier whites
Accept the fact that Richard spencer is a fucking coon
>being just as violent as niggers
Proving my point
>implying nigger culture created by the jew isn't the problem
>who are the Mongols
It comes from cultural Marxism
There are non degenerate blacks believe it or not
Culture is the problem not race. When people aren't blinded by Marxist Jewish subversion they self segregate and develop on their own as tribalistic humans were intended
If they want to go back some can but most niggers are just as American as ur pal jimbo in Austin Texas
Ok sorry replace it with Tupelo Mississippi
Whites by large are no different in derms of degeneracy
Whites perpetuate sodomite tolerance
White countries are self destructive
If whites were the master race why are they so easy to fall for Marxist ideas
Look, I'm in favor of ethnostates. But if you're gonna go larp like some nat soc skin head you're just as fuckijg degenerate as Tyrone. Even if America was made solely for the white Anglo Saxon man(not really buying it), you can't magically change how intermixed and changed America is by and large. Europe is different as there is an actual chance of removing non ethnically European people. Just be realistic. Also women are fuckijg stupid everywhere but you're not going to get their right to vote revoked unless u can brainwash everyone in society to praise ur version of the magic sky man.
Tl:dr if its current year and ur not an eco fascist and keep blaming niggers and juizz for all of your problems you're as valuable as an aboriginal
>I don't like what u say so I'm not gonna read it
Proving my point
>what is ironic anime avatars
Ok newfag
Go back to r/the_donald
And get off my fucking board
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