Message from @The Big Oof
Discord ID: 524323486009786408
pls opt me out
u r a kind man
i appreciate ur brains
Also, pinging is a partnership requirement for most servers, so it's not and can't really change
opt me out
Just did
ATR perro cumbia gato
I sucessfully had a 200 person server without using the everyone ping
Hello Scacefrank
its only dead because I worked too much
I'm pleased with our growth, though. We got 200 in a week. Server was private before
Hanukkah is already over <:30yoboomer:521380551316209668>
Shen Bapiro
Welcome @National Bolivarian
Shen braapiro
graphbot is dead
Wibtard lrecked
> Should journalists that knowingly report false news stories lose their right to work in that field by law? If no, what should the response be?
Oh god yes. Journalists should be investigative detectives acting at the behalf of the demos, the masses, the people. If they knowingly lie, and can be demonstrated to have lied, they should have no role in "informing the masses" anymore than a soldier giving out military secrets to enemy power, police officer dealing cocaine or an inept paramedic should maintain their jobs.
@Josh42A Now they want 24 members a day on average
*Right Cafe
hahaha thats my fault
discussion is hard with ouver 300 people though imho