National Bolivarian

Discord ID: 476147098736263168

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2018-12-03 02:31:45 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  





Me on my way to Westminster

burrito taco

The CEO of McDonaldโ€™s should be executed

Change my mind

im going to get a based phone

what woke countries make cell phones

that i can import

only men are oppressed

thats why i cant get laid

>christchurch mosque

epic attire

a beret and a gaddafist armband

> Evo Morales is a pretty cool guy.

@TheTeacher Your statement was bad and you should feel bad

I donโ€™t sit in this server for hours on end

His corruption for one

Heโ€™s trying to give more power to himself illegitimately when there are better leaders that could do more than him.

Most improvements that happened under him were already happening before him

He started nothing, and nothing justifies his power grab

Well I donโ€™t think any of the candidates are very good. Victor Paz Estenssoro is who Iโ€™d choose if he was still alive

The commies are mostly trotskyists and are infighting.

There are no good socialist parties

He isnโ€™t the best they have

We just donโ€™t have better

If I had to pick anyone Iโ€™d pick Carlos Mesa

The nationalization of water couldโ€™ve helped but didnโ€™t

Where are you from

I was born in the USA to a Bolivian born father. Anyway, I donโ€™t think Morales is good at all

Iโ€™d say he deserves another term if he did shit

Like Paz did

You should look into him, great man

He had to do some neoliberal shit in his 4th term to fix Boliviaโ€™s debt problem @TheTeacher

Otherwise heโ€™s completely good

My uncle even worked for him

As the minister of education

Wait he was lol

I thought barrientos was the one overthrown

He started a revolution in 1952

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