Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 535522628576870410
Not wanting discrimination isn’t a liberal idea. The solution of intersectionality that destroys the freedom of identity is a liberal idea.
Flex tape clear is the official tape of the Ethnostate
Phil Swift is 100% Pure Bavarian Phenotype
Liberalism predates blue haired sjws
Whole discrimination is a negative, the true goal is to attain religious and ethnic homogenity and discriminate against faggots.
How do you maintain a homogenous society? By discrimination
Liberalism has always been a disease
Thank you.
There is no "good" liberalism.
Classical liberalism is materialistic bullshit peddled by the elites.
Civilization is only based on discrimination because of intersectionality, the left likes to group people into races, sexes, and ideas, and use those to identify people, rather than look at people as people with qualities and unique traits. They don’t want people to be different and do things differently, they’d rather group everyone into categories, look at the category that is the worst off, and then springboard that category into the number 1 position until they realize that now there’s a new group at the bottom and so they keep reusing the same cycle, therefore creating discrimination without them even realizing it. The ones that do realize it are called communists.
Discrimination is how society punishes criminals, deters crime, and maintains a low crime, high trust society.
No those are called laws, my son.
We discriminate between criminals and the law abiding
You love discrimination, you just get mad when it's on the basis of race
No we don’t actually.
But race is an excellent predictor of crime
Discrimination is defined as unjust. What we do to criminals is not unjust, it’s exactly the opposite.
Wait, where are you two from?
Discrimination isn't unjust, that's a liberal idea
Ethnic discrimination shouldn't be prevalent in a functioning society. If all other ethnic groups are expelled or in a more destructive case purged then homogenity is attained.
Discrimination in a segregatory sense only results in tension and inevitable revolt.
Men should be treated like men, and women like women. That is just. What's unjust is to treat women like men.
Ethnic discrimination will always exist in a multi-ethnic society
There is no way around it
On a very basic definition, discrimination is just identifying the differences between one thing and another. That’s not what we do to criminals. We don’t just look at them and say, “oh, these are criminals,” and go on our way. We justly punish them according to their actions. It’s not discrimination, it’s called justice.
Discrimination based on what a person commits is different from discrimination based on who the person was born as.
There never was, nor will there ever be this utopian society where all races get along in harmony
On my cock
Lighten up
When people want to enter your country you will screen them and decide whether to let them in or not. You'll make your decision based not on what's fair but what's best for your country. In the process you will discriminate.
Civilization was always based on discrimination, tribalism etc. What left does is unique only because it reverses the roles and thus it results in an unstable society.
That's a discrimination based on person's action.
No it isn't. Blacks are way more likely to commit crimes. If you don't want to import crime into your country you will discriminate