Message from @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

Discord ID: 676542986347085855

2020-02-10 20:52:08 UTC  

got em

2020-02-10 20:52:17 UTC  

I'm more worried about someone people take seriously.

2020-02-10 20:52:20 UTC  

@A. Spader I was typing that and then read your messages lok

2020-02-10 20:52:42 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist we're pretty hard up for any of those around these parts

2020-02-10 20:54:31 UTC  

Then someone smart enough to be annoying.

2020-02-10 20:58:06 UTC  

But if I have to start putting women in trash bags myself to dispel these rumors, I will...

2020-02-10 20:59:18 UTC  

Though tbh, people are more likely to believe I'm actually Ben Shapiro than that I don't hate women.

2020-02-10 21:19:42 UTC  

Don't express disgust at my posts, Leaf.

2020-02-10 21:19:53 UTC  

You're the disgusting one.

2020-02-10 21:23:23 UTC want people to think you're Ben Shapiro?

2020-02-10 21:23:41 UTC  

TIL Kevin is not disgusted by Ben Shapiro

2020-02-10 21:25:18 UTC  


2020-02-10 21:27:49 UTC  

@Dan V
Ok leaf...

2020-02-10 21:28:01 UTC  

Obviously Shapiro disgusts me.

2020-02-10 21:28:14 UTC  

Just less than not hating women.

2020-02-10 21:28:49 UTC  

Even slight tolerance of women demonstrates severe moral and intellectual failings.

2020-02-10 21:36:32 UTC  

Now you're laughing...?

2020-02-10 21:39:21 UTC  


2020-02-10 21:39:55 UTC  

Nothing makes sense in clown world, my friend

2020-02-10 21:40:17 UTC  


2020-02-10 21:49:23 UTC  

Nigger, I make perfect sense, and you may just be retarded.

2020-02-10 22:08:22 UTC  

that's my point. my reactions don't make sense because it's clown world

2020-02-10 22:08:51 UTC  

>may be retarded
that's probably the nicest thing any has ever said about me

2020-02-10 22:29:01 UTC  

> >may be retarded
> that's probably the nicest thing any has ever said about me
@Dan V

False. Your mom probably told you she loved you before you spoke.

2020-02-10 22:29:23 UTC  


2020-02-10 22:42:49 UTC  

bezos mad, bezos smash

2020-02-10 22:43:23 UTC

2020-02-11 01:03:25 UTC  

for the longest time I've thought this guy was bloomberg

2020-02-11 01:30:32 UTC  

He's basically what would happen if Bloomberg was less of a cunt.

2020-02-11 01:30:50 UTC  

If only because Steyer is less famous, and thus his cuntiness is yet unknown.

2020-02-11 05:48:53 UTC  

@Agent Smith pony soldier is a name for Calvary post civil war. The term shouldn't be relevant to an 80 year old. How the f old is Biden?

2020-02-11 05:49:20 UTC  

it's from a John Wayne movie

2020-02-11 07:37:10 UTC  

@Putz cavalry

2020-02-11 13:51:53 UTC  

"A Board with No Women is a Sign that You’re Not Making Good Decisions."​