Discord ID: 117484572345630728
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christchurch happened way after the 875ish vandalized churches in france in last year alone
it's not about christchurch but about the country's domestic social issues, i dont think it's an international religion war.
it's a domestic culture war
more immigrants who want into a country but don't want to assimilate culturally
low level shitposting my friend
i can't get over the comment a couple shows ago where both matt and blonde agreed that crispy bacon was better. that shit is degeneracy
so mech orders his steak well-done?
crispy bacon loses most of its flavor
most of the time tastes burnt too. and the crispy texture is like chewing glass
rare steak is best for sirloin and filet mignon
medium is better for more tendony cuts
anything above medium is shit
and a product of being raised by someone who can't cook for shit
yeah basically
i like chewing on fatty bacon
the fat is the point of the bacon you dingleberry
shut up with that tumblr propaganda
sounds gay
didnt play that game
looked gay
actual kings put up more of a fight
ultra boomer
legalize, enhance the image
no he hasn't reached 2.2/minute lyet
me irl
he's gonna masturbate y ou to death
ecks dee
pizza is gud
I cant be spicy in the donation chat or its "inspired by kevin"
I have d&d on wednesdays
but it happens to a lot of people
at least I have a good file of reaction images
I'll get appreciated for my gigabytes if not my gigadick
not everyone has your kind of money to single handedly bankroll the podcast and not have anything read
I'll bang weepy like a coffeetable
and my dick is a big toe
the nips got us with their propaganda while the Jews had us distracted
spammed for report
I disavow
coconut bonk sound
it's time to start the resistance
>"explain x to me even though im on the internet and can't google it"
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