Message from @blitzkrieg
Discord ID: 301534385944002560
oh god lol
LOL 730mb file, hope it attatches.
anything but that
the thirsting begins
Where is the button
Oh god don't start this shit up
It was so good
muh polishness
muh purity
muh /fit/
muh principles
@Erika Hello there very nice to meet you how are you doing
my name is Convolution Integral very nice to meet you ma'am
literally anything but Convo Polack posting
muh tfw no gf
muh poland
Delet this
>listens to polish national anthem
>hops into voice chat and plays polish national anthem
500mb limit REE
I used to be a happy unjaded man
>tfw no polish gf
I wish I had a polish gf
>sings polish national anthem on bus on way to work
if only I knew of a polish girl
>cooks stuffed cabbage.
You don't mate @Convo
>he complains about not enough polish people
do you speak polish @Convo ?
nigger just go to poland
You don't live in New Poland
You're encouraging him