Message from @Riggy17 (UK)

Discord ID: 499777826518466560

2018-09-29 18:11:46 UTC  

Sky news = scum .. can’t wait for emergency broadcasts to begin so the media are being cut out hopefully .. all we get here is editing or a story .. never any debates .. totally censored

2018-10-01 14:43:57 UTC  

Great video. Volume makes it difficult to watch but it makes it clear how it is Lie News not Sky. Just lying to push One World Government.

2018-10-01 16:52:19 UTC  

You seen tommy put the real interview up mate over 1 hour lol ? They have edited sky’s report and put answers he gave to other questions to make him look bad and that the reporter owned him .. the reporters can never beat him because they know he’s correct and has all the facts .. British media are bad they don’t ever let anyone against the agenda on live corrupt as .. but because Fox News and infowars let tommy on live they had to at least do something

2018-10-01 23:39:40 UTC  

Worse than that. They changed two words in a very major way to make it look like he said something he never ever said. He was just speaking about something said in a video he had nothing to do with. So instead of what he said. It said. They lied changing the word it to I. Huge lie.

2018-10-01 23:41:51 UTC  

Good he is taking them to court mate 👌 Brian Harvey also wants Rupert murdoch in court with all his harassment to his personal life .. and I believe both are 100% going to do it as long as there is funds

2018-10-01 23:43:31 UTC  

The sky reporter makes himself out like he done a great number on tommy aswel I hope his family see the full 1 hour plus and see how corrupt of a family man he is and traitor to the truth and land

2018-10-03 02:54:54 UTC  

riggy, didn't u post that yesterday

2018-10-03 11:43:57 UTC  

Yeh mate I put I put it in here and general discussion at the same time after i seen it thought it was worth being shown in both @SirW00f

2018-10-09 10:58:04 UTC

2018-10-09 10:58:07 UTC

2018-10-09 10:58:55 UTC
UK WASHOUT FORECAST stay vigilant !!! Second royal wedding 12th October !!! Sorry off topic warning !!!

2018-10-11 02:47:42 UTC  

Please sign and share this petition .. this is for the young army recruit who was sacked for having his photo taken with Tommy Robinson and all other soldiers have had there phones seized and will be sacked if they have political views .. there’s 170k signed within 1st 24 hours of this happening .. please everyone from anywhere sign this .. it’s the tipping point with army and government possibly ... here is the photo that has caused the issues that the new Muslim council have brought to attention

2018-10-11 02:48:29 UTC

2018-10-11 02:58:39 UTC  


2018-10-11 12:16:36 UTC  

u do know u still have a royalty based gov, right

2018-10-11 16:37:08 UTC  

Yes @SirW00f we are completely owned for sure but like Q says it’s the people they fear .. and tommy news is huge in U.K. mate this man could go down in history with all the best political activists .. he well and truely is public enemy number 1 but his profile has hit a level that killing him off could be the tip of the a civil war here and I don’t think deep state have fucked all of U.K. up to want that to happen yet .. maybe once the Africans are here then sure

2018-10-11 16:39:04 UTC  

well the core of the military has to swear loyalty to the crown

2018-10-11 16:39:04 UTC  

Petitions are useless in the U.K. I know this but if we can show the British public the full extent off the soldiers support here we can draw the left etc to double think there views on life I feel anyway .. as being sacked from the army for having a picture taken with a journalist will hit home to a lot of lefts also

2018-10-11 16:39:56 UTC  

the deep state in the uk is the ruling body of the uk and the crown

2018-10-11 16:39:57 UTC  

I know mate lots have says they are quitting if a European army attempt begins

2018-10-11 16:40:35 UTC  

uk needs it's own revolution

2018-10-11 16:41:26 UTC  

We will get one we are waiting on orders from Q for now our end is on hold until he says so

2018-10-11 16:41:53 UTC  

as well as many nations across the land, but war like revolution not req'd, but a total clean up of the old ways to a more true by the ppl governence

2018-10-11 16:42:56 UTC  

soon as usa is cleaned up

2018-10-11 16:43:06 UTC  

That will happen mate Q knows U.K. have power he’s put British fight on hold until he sorts your end

2018-10-11 16:43:10 UTC  

then it will be a beacon of light across the planet

2018-10-11 16:43:53 UTC  

q has to get the truth of 'allies' out into the main stream

2018-10-11 16:44:14 UTC  

allies don't back stab each other

2018-10-11 16:44:41 UTC  

allies don't exploit each other with lies and 1/2 truths

2018-10-11 16:46:34 UTC  

Yep we certainly have a part of Q here mate British fights last tweet was that there awaiting orders from Q and until then they will not be active .. we also have a new political party started alongside them that’s been kept very quiet .. so when the bombs in the U.K. drop in sure the new clean party are ready to pounce but there’s plenty dirt on U.K. on trump and Qs end to bring the corruption down .. I think we are just getting a clean team together while America is being sorted out

2018-10-11 16:47:57 UTC  

I agree @SirW00f U.K. have been doing all the dirty spying to save the corrupt cia fat asses because they never expected FISA declass so it seemed like there would be no way of this getting out

2018-10-11 16:50:09 UTC  

All the 5 eyes but I’d say mainly U.K. intelligence

2018-10-11 16:50:12 UTC  

Once USA and Britain are sorted out, I think that will help clean up the other 5 eyes/Commonwealth nations too.

2018-10-11 16:52:34 UTC  

Agree mate US in my opinion has to be first then the power of the nation starts telling the other country’s what will be happening .. rumours say there’s dirt to get a lot of our government out at any chosen time so think our clean up might be easier but our jail terms are weak so hope they get tryed in USA