Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 499985502875942942

2018-10-09 10:58:04 UTC

2018-10-09 10:58:07 UTC

2018-10-09 10:58:55 UTC
UK WASHOUT FORECAST stay vigilant !!! Second royal wedding 12th October !!! Sorry off topic warning !!!

2018-10-11 02:47:42 UTC  

Please sign and share this petition .. this is for the young army recruit who was sacked for having his photo taken with Tommy Robinson and all other soldiers have had there phones seized and will be sacked if they have political views .. there’s 170k signed within 1st 24 hours of this happening .. please everyone from anywhere sign this .. it’s the tipping point with army and government possibly ... here is the photo that has caused the issues that the new Muslim council have brought to attention

2018-10-11 02:48:29 UTC

2018-10-11 02:58:39 UTC  


2018-10-11 12:16:36 UTC  

u do know u still have a royalty based gov, right

2018-10-11 16:37:08 UTC  

Yes @SirW00f we are completely owned for sure but like Q says it’s the people they fear .. and tommy news is huge in U.K. mate this man could go down in history with all the best political activists .. he well and truely is public enemy number 1 but his profile has hit a level that killing him off could be the tip of the a civil war here and I don’t think deep state have fucked all of U.K. up to want that to happen yet .. maybe once the Africans are here then sure

2018-10-11 16:39:04 UTC  

well the core of the military has to swear loyalty to the crown

2018-10-11 16:39:04 UTC  

Petitions are useless in the U.K. I know this but if we can show the British public the full extent off the soldiers support here we can draw the left etc to double think there views on life I feel anyway .. as being sacked from the army for having a picture taken with a journalist will hit home to a lot of lefts also

2018-10-11 16:39:56 UTC  

the deep state in the uk is the ruling body of the uk and the crown

2018-10-11 16:39:57 UTC  

I know mate lots have says they are quitting if a European army attempt begins

2018-10-11 16:40:35 UTC  

uk needs it's own revolution

2018-10-11 16:41:26 UTC  

We will get one we are waiting on orders from Q for now our end is on hold until he says so

2018-10-11 16:41:53 UTC  

as well as many nations across the land, but war like revolution not req'd, but a total clean up of the old ways to a more true by the ppl governence

2018-10-11 16:42:56 UTC  

soon as usa is cleaned up

2018-10-11 16:43:06 UTC  

That will happen mate Q knows U.K. have power he’s put British fight on hold until he sorts your end

2018-10-11 16:43:10 UTC  

then it will be a beacon of light across the planet

2018-10-11 16:43:53 UTC  

q has to get the truth of 'allies' out into the main stream

2018-10-11 16:44:14 UTC  

allies don't back stab each other

2018-10-11 16:44:41 UTC  

allies don't exploit each other with lies and 1/2 truths

2018-10-11 16:46:34 UTC  

Yep we certainly have a part of Q here mate British fights last tweet was that there awaiting orders from Q and until then they will not be active .. we also have a new political party started alongside them that’s been kept very quiet .. so when the bombs in the U.K. drop in sure the new clean party are ready to pounce but there’s plenty dirt on U.K. on trump and Qs end to bring the corruption down .. I think we are just getting a clean team together while America is being sorted out

2018-10-11 16:47:57 UTC  

I agree @SirW00f U.K. have been doing all the dirty spying to save the corrupt cia fat asses because they never expected FISA declass so it seemed like there would be no way of this getting out

2018-10-11 16:50:09 UTC  

All the 5 eyes but I’d say mainly U.K. intelligence

2018-10-11 16:50:12 UTC  

Once USA and Britain are sorted out, I think that will help clean up the other 5 eyes/Commonwealth nations too.

2018-10-11 16:52:34 UTC  

Agree mate US in my opinion has to be first then the power of the nation starts telling the other country’s what will be happening .. rumours say there’s dirt to get a lot of our government out at any chosen time so think our clean up might be easier but our jail terms are weak so hope they get tryed in USA

2018-10-11 16:55:12 UTC  

That’s why we have problems so bad .. selling drugs manslaughter rape etc do not carry big time .. but terrorism can do if it’s extreme or multiple murders by anyone but the worst that happens here is 15 years for killing someone .. and when I see USA sentences for killing someone it’s always crazy numbers

2018-10-11 18:41:37 UTC  

usa is the first to rebel, and has to be the first to rebel against the nwo

2018-10-11 18:41:57 UTC  

it's the image of truth of the real freedom that matters

2018-10-11 18:42:29 UTC  

if the usa was never infected by ds/cabal, all those wars in middle east would have never happened

2018-10-11 18:42:41 UTC  

at least not by usa's hand

2018-10-11 19:10:55 UTC  

I know mate I understand all that .. probably very few wars would have ever happened .. humanity prefers peace and freedom not war .. but so much of the public by into it .. in U.K. most people think deep state is a conspiracy.. it’s fuked up here people are deluded

2018-10-12 04:29:41 UTC  

@Riggy17 (UK) but people in the UK figured out at the time that 911 was an inside job, and no one here believed it.

2018-10-12 05:00:32 UTC  

bbc got news that tower 7 fell before it actually did

2018-10-12 05:00:50 UTC  

that was the defining proof it was an inside job

2018-10-12 05:01:12 UTC  

these networks forget that there are ppl that actually record such events

2018-10-12 05:01:57 UTC  

and we were going from the digital age to the information age, so at some point eventually, it will be shared with the rest of the world

2018-10-12 12:29:26 UTC  

There’s footage of 9/11 BBC woman live reporting building 7 had collapsed and it was still standing behind the the whole time reporter as she’s talking about it i would say it was 2-3 minutes from memory 🤣 .. if i had the footage I would upload it but as soon as they realised this they cut her stream and said her signal gone .. building 7 holds the most answers i would say if it ever comes out .. most of the U.K. I speak to still think it was bin laden who planned 9/11 and Russia are today’s problem .. it’s easy going on places like here lol 🤣 at least people don’t think you have gone crazy anyway they challenge your views instead 👌

2018-10-12 12:39:02 UTC  

I was unaware people in U.K. figured it out before the US @natxlaw i was only about 13 when it happened and our class teacher actually put it on to watch for himself infront of us so all the surroundings at that time meant nothing to me ..I do still find it funny that a CNN camera crew claimed they found bin laden also .. I am in 2 minds weather he was ever found I think bush new where he was the whole time he was connected to that family before the 9/11