Message from @jellyjones
Discord ID: 468094599819296778
This drama is useless
@Gscrippler you just came here to talk shit? Lol
No really - its important that all blah blah blah blah
I been watching for ages, Sir wolfs my fav
Cripller? I think not
The justice system is broken. Dustin's past is nothing serious
Judical stage is set, yay
There are much bigger issues then this drama
This is a bigger issue than all of this useless drama^^^ lmao
I watched 0hour1 try to take down a Chanel.last cuppla days...sad. Good people got no idea when they're being done over...too busy being nice to get sub's.
These clowns play tactics... There will be books written about the art of this war lol see yas :)
we have them
you didn't come into the discord to debate
you came in guns blazing
and rude
..ill show myself out
He came in to try and debate and Unifag and all his little trolls acted like...well litttle fag trolls
end of story really bye
Rod Rosenstein indictment debrief by Seething frog:
listen very carefully will blow ur mind
Sourced : GG - Last Friday at 2:42 AM
You didn't cut enough context out fellas. even with what you left in you can tell I was calling her out for blatantly lying as I was speaking to her.
Its not an attack to call a liar, aliar.
its a civic duty
@Gscrippler they had me doxxed and spent a week spreading malicious lies about me (projecting)
which led to my grandmother being harassed.
@Malikstotle Khabib comin' fo' dat azz
"you want fight? give me location."
Thing is - online community are quick to fire and slow to apologise. We all on the same side for the same reason. bless
No division
We’re with you 100% @Dustin Nemos ‼️#WWG1WGA
@jellyjones who is this "we" that are all on the same side? This is a semi-anonymous forum and most of them have total anonymity, meaning the folks who eat babies have the same access as you. The only way you will ultimately know who is on your team is when you stand on the other side of life. If you are victorious, there will definitely be bad guys who escape our notice that will glue their lips to the ass of the collective conquering hero. If we fail and wind up in prison, the person next to you could easily be a prison snitch. If we all take in the info, and collectively hash it out, we hope that 51% of the time %51 percent of us find the truth and take the group in that direction. A 51% winner will clean the house out at blackjack every time. Ultimately, you have to look at people who wind up in that bottom 49%