Message from @Desimated

Discord ID: 489479248575463455

2018-09-12 06:59:53 UTC  

gee, i wonder whats this about

2018-09-12 07:24:33 UTC  


2018-09-12 10:26:08 UTC  

btw, trump won again

2018-09-12 10:26:25 UTC  

supreme court ruling in trump's favor....sharia will not be taught in american schools
it violates american law
it violates human rights

2018-09-12 10:26:38 UTC  

according to historical records ...islam was deemed illegal in a bipartisan vote in the 50's as a foreign governing system...and sharia law is part of it and therefore deemed illegal
islam is not a race, it's not a religion either and can not be protected by first admendmant rights
muslim is a relgion..but sharia law is a legal system that promotes slavery, and islam is the governing system based upon sharia law
and slavery illegal according to the bill of rights

2018-09-12 12:25:35 UTC  

"Solar" riiiight... just happens to be in close proximity to Las Cruces and Alamogordo... baaahaa..."fbi" investigates... rofl.. 🛰 📡 Q knows why.

2018-09-12 15:49:17 UTC  

Morning All

2018-09-12 16:00:01 UTC  

Many of you must already know about this, but I'm posting it anyway. It's just TOO GOOD.

2018-09-12 16:24:55 UTC  

Ya that observatory being shut down is weird. People in the town were forced to leave their homes and stay at a hotel too.

2018-09-12 16:26:44 UTC  

@SirW00f boy i sure would like to inform dustin about what's going on with that stuff , but he still hasn't tried to talk to me...

2018-09-12 16:33:37 UTC  

at the end.. they are trying to say that trump is taking credit for the strength of the hurricane lol... these people have lost it... just straight up bonkers town... this is what i was talking about, they cant throw another narrative in because everyone wants updates about the hurricane but all they are obsessed with is their TDS.

2018-09-12 16:41:09 UTC  

article 13 passed in full

2018-09-12 16:55:46 UTC  

well shit, yeah, here comes the uber cencorship... great.. just... great

2018-09-12 16:56:53 UTC  

@Desimated will the us deep state be able to use that to further repress the trump agenda with this election though?...

2018-09-12 16:57:54 UTC  

im sure they will find a way to warp it... if anything, we will have trump saying "you dont control us, we manage ourselves" and then the left freaking out and supporting their own oppression of a foreign power.

2018-09-12 16:58:39 UTC  

time to make our own Memes

2018-09-12 16:58:51 UTC  

thank god for pepe

2018-09-12 16:59:44 UTC  

@Desimated doesn't matter the eu doesn't control trump it still breaks the structure off the internet and 'the left' and the ones with the social media platforms who trump does not control until he moves for anti-trust

2018-09-12 17:00:19 UTC  

@Desimated do you not know what article13 is? your memes are exactly what it's designed to make illegal

2018-09-12 17:00:23 UTC  

totally... its not a mute situation at all

2018-09-12 17:00:53 UTC  

yes, i literally watched that video before i posted it... and read into it to ensure i was not talking out of my ass.

2018-09-12 17:28:33 UTC  

What do we know about this ann vandersteel interview situation with these guys setting up the website to compile data for trump

2018-09-12 17:36:17 UTC  

one of the guys mentioned that he got intel from the Q team which is warning signs

2018-09-12 17:40:34 UTC  

@Dustin Nemos - monitoring... but based on what we have seen regarding needing to add an email to get the information, the insinuation of having super secret inside information re: POTUS, and a few other issues including but not limited to Q reiterating "no outside coms" - I will defer to @lmbd & @Travag for additional insights regarding this subject and any additional data points observed. L. & T. = Mitchell, VanderSteel, and JTFmaga - previously covered a few days ago. Thank you both when you have the time to give Dustin some notes and your thoughts.

2018-09-12 17:43:32 UTC  

side note, good link if you see people losing that BS Obama vid:

2018-09-12 17:44:54 UTC  

@Desimated - Loved watching this guy grin through the idiot reporters... couldn't help but to smile through the whole thing. Masterful.

2018-09-12 17:53:09 UTC
Styxhexenhammer666 3 hours ago
Solution: Firms not in the EU ignore the law because it does not apply to them, and dare the EU states to block their services.

2018-09-12 17:55:06 UTC  

@Desimated more important side note , they'll never show you the trends of the die off of this planet we're all inhabiting where those ppl play those irrelevant trends games....

2018-09-12 18:08:20 UTC  

the solution to that solution... wipe them off the planet with war (economic / trade / physical) ... wouldnt be the first time *Cough FED Cough*

2018-09-12 18:18:31 UTC  

so... cryptonet?

2018-09-12 18:28:28 UTC  

if anyone can do it.. its mcafee

2018-09-12 18:47:45 UTC  

RIP Greatawakening @Reddit?