Message from @Irshmun
Discord ID: 505878956231360523
Not a fan of them Jews at all. I mean come on, they think Jesus is in hell boiling in fecees. But shooting them up looks like a false flag to me because the outcome is only anti-semitism legislation that destroy's our free speech. We already got something in the pipeline, ready to be voted on. I. The Anti-Semitism Awareness Act - House Bill 5924 / Senate Bill 2940
II. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act - House Bill 1911 / Senate Bill 1292
This is going to be so damn touchy
Here is ADL's statement.
Here we go everyone. It is getting crazy. This is just creepy.
the war against the new world order is global...don't forget it
AHem... That request for blood donors is almost certainly bogus. Red Cross are little vampires, see a chance to suck blood and they pounce. They fractionate it and sell the components to Europe. The "charity" gets them free product, then they quietly turn a profit on the side. This is personal experience talking, not "theorizing."
Don't let all of this distract and detract from the importance of the midterms... horrible situations - absolutely. Have we seen this all be fore... yes. Only it was a black church in South Carolina, A white church in Texas... and a $hi% ton of schools... they are on the ropes... Vote Early if you can but vote. Vote 'em out... sheep no more , hold the line, and steady as she goes. πΊπ²
My son, in town from college, texted me today. Γ am an adult! I voted for the first time! BLUE WAVE 2018!! He thinks he's funny. hahaha
I now blocked him. Just kidding. He voted Red. Came from being a Sanders supporter a couple years ago to an independent thinker. Proud
Lol @Maga gal
Gab bad lol
How many of these people are they activating? π³. The left is overplaying their sick collective hand
Because every church has active shooter drills? What?
I don't know if you all have seen this, but it is wrong on every level.
Dinesh D'Souza comparing the circumstances surrounding Potus to Lincoln, echos part of what was said in a link posted earlier today.
been checking the torrents...still waiting for this on dvd or webrip
was trying to explain the term 'liberal tears makes us grow' to justin a few months back...i told him we were seeds