Message from @Mary Poppins
Discord ID: 507416733116792833
Writers in the distorted news publication industry say alot of things about the Trump, necessitating him to have to debunk them
Time and effort that could otherwise be soent
oh and Vince please come back the sooner the better
If you mean to that video the title is kind of misleading .. itโs just alot of questions fired his way it was decent I thought .. clickbait title tho it was pretty basic interview
(tigger) warning Wil Robinson; automated robotic voice used, which is fine by me
What a champion, the media is so lost in finger pointing... The first thing they do is lay bame instead of morn and provide positive affirmation out into the public that we as humans are greater then the lost souls who commit these forms of attrocious acts against their fellow man
They just want to feed into the "this guy is bad so all your sins are now absolved because we see him as the next curified Jesus, once he's gone all your bad deeds will be forgiven and we will sing songs of joy and dance hand in hand"
aka the blame game ๐ฌ ๐ ๐
which is in its own right a psy-op
It's funny I posted "So racist" that Trump made MLK,s grave a national park and people gave me op-eds from NYC about racist things he said... Then I slammed them with 5 links of how Trump has helped black leaders and communities.. so much brainwashing
Op-eds are not news.. they're your echo chambers
So I take it most Q fans are Trump Republicans?
yes i would say so because the left don't believe in conspiracies unless it affects them directly...then they piss and moan about all other times they gaslight the opposition...Trump and the GOP are secondary in a sense to the Q movement...that's my take on it...
Projection. We'll see how "gutless" the MSM is, when the Red Wave takes over, and they start backtracking and covering their own arses.
He, MAry?
Earlier today, Vince Edwards
People seem more unhinged than usual today. Halloween?
Yeah, what a ninny
Glad that's over with
@Montague Brinkmann in a word yes however, think 2 party tyranny. The followers of Q follow the awakening to the control factors. The Dums eeeer Dims eeeer Dooms eer Dems w/e have become the final chosen vehicle of the deep staters. It could have been the RNC, just the way it played.
u c you only get a choice of two; choose your poison, until now the Republican has become, by virtue of the limited choice of 2, the unpoisoned chalice. By rights the 2 party system is suggested by many to need scrapping, for the two parties from their outset were the toys of the big boys
unless Hillary in her prior life was a member back then ๐
When you are not Democrat, you 'must' be Republlican, since those are the only historical choices. It makes for a spin of if you are not for us you are against us, which simply highlights the lack of any centrist position inside the two poles.
I read recently there are about 4-5 other registered parties in the land upover, all of them all but gagged and drugged
@Mary Poppins Halloween played no part. The last one I booted from here was equally unhinged, about 3-4 months ago
That guy was just mucking up the chat with trash. IMHO the mods were too nice shouldve banned him long before but see I dont argue with mods and tell them how to do their job but he did, and as soon as someone starts ridiculing mods you know they want to be banned. No one does that thinking they will be sticking around.
@Bleezer in the earlier days of GAC he'd have been booted / banned far earlier. The way it was done followed in a sense in the way of the plan. He was given his head and in full public view, he snapped
sound familiar?
In short, he became belligerent and 'uncivil'
@della4 okay....
I take it you are not American...?
you are correct