Message from @Montague Brinkmann
Discord ID: 507446045148708865
Projection. We'll see how "gutless" the MSM is, when the Red Wave takes over, and they start backtracking and covering their own arses.
I see he just couldn’t let it go, sheesh 🙄
He, MAry?
Earlier today, Vince Edwards
People seem more unhinged than usual today. Halloween?
Yeah, what a ninny
Glad that's over with
@Montague Brinkmann in a word yes however, think 2 party tyranny. The followers of Q follow the awakening to the control factors. The Dums eeeer Dims eeeer Dooms eer Dems w/e have become the final chosen vehicle of the deep staters. It could have been the RNC, just the way it played.
u c you only get a choice of two; choose your poison, until now the Republican has become, by virtue of the limited choice of 2, the unpoisoned chalice. By rights the 2 party system is suggested by many to need scrapping, for the two parties from their outset were the toys of the big boys
unless Hillary in her prior life was a member back then 😐
When you are not Democrat, you 'must' be Republlican, since those are the only historical choices. It makes for a spin of if you are not for us you are against us, which simply highlights the lack of any centrist position inside the two poles.
I read recently there are about 4-5 other registered parties in the land upover, all of them all but gagged and drugged
@Mary Poppins Halloween played no part. The last one I booted from here was equally unhinged, about 3-4 months ago
That guy was just mucking up the chat with trash. IMHO the mods were too nice shouldve banned him long before but see I dont argue with mods and tell them how to do their job but he did, and as soon as someone starts ridiculing mods you know they want to be banned. No one does that thinking they will be sticking around.
@Bleezer in the earlier days of GAC he'd have been booted / banned far earlier. The way it was done followed in a sense in the way of the plan. He was given his head and in full public view, he snapped
sound familiar?
In short, he became belligerent and 'uncivil'
you are correct
There are several othes parties, but they aren't shown on polls or debates...
Why does the whole 'Q' thing advocate voting soley R when they are as, in most cases, corrupt as D?
It would to almost make as much sense to vote 3rd party...
yes but choose your timing
the reason of being of the D atm is to remove the obstacle of control by the men in off black
to vote for a third party in the current env. leaves the menacing vehicle of the big boys in black hats with constitutionally accredited power, as in the smearing of K
that vehicle need be pulled off the road, then some predict or forecast a change with a leaning towards independents
alternatively alternate parties; well hopefully parties other than the Communist and the concrete greens
members as the southern senator for S Carolina (L. Graham) had to be flipped and pardoned in order to flip the R party. Graham was controlled and dictated by McStain, and he was totally obedient until that tie was cut
@Montague Brinkmann because its the only way to do this plan. No ones taking the country back on a 3rd party ticket i hate to tell you. Trump picked R not because hes a republican but because thats how he was able to get to the WH. Any other way of trying to save the country without war and bloodshed and done legally like Q likes to tell us they are doing, then he needs to run for president in one of the 2 major parties. Wouldn't work any other way.
trump is more of a constitutionalist than a republican
but since reps tend to lead towards was the wiser choice
That argument is a red herring. That unicuck dude used to always bring that up the "trump is one of them" argument like "you guys do rrealize trumps is a republican right" then laugh like we are all stupid. Like ok whats he supposed to do save the world by being a businessman? No lmao he needs acess to the most powerful intelligence apparatus in the world and that's just for STARTERS
Us there a rule you have to talk?
theres a voice chat area
but it helps if theres a person to chat with over voice
actually it was groucho marx
That’s who there dressed as ?