Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 514011715718086657

2018-11-19 07:29:33 UTC  

i used to work for salk

2018-11-19 07:29:57 UTC  

he was a pomus total ahole til he lost his nobel prize

2018-11-19 07:30:27 UTC  

i used to work at the wistar institute

2018-11-19 07:32:53 UTC  

watermarks don't seem to help, check out 'eyes wide open' latest vid, seems somebody has been stealing their vids and removing the watermark and re-editing them to take them out of context to confuse ppl

2018-11-19 07:33:45 UTC  

btw, left a present in research-open

2018-11-19 07:44:32 UTC  

@Dustin Nemos Just wanted to poke my head in and thank you for the work you do, may God bless you for your efforts. I also want to throw a link your way, even though I see you're aware of the sovereign national movement. It is not completely understood by a lot of people. Here is a good presentation on the history,%20We%20the%20People%202Ca.pdf Also, please check Judge Anna's website she's pioneered a lot of the info. It is for real, and this "government" we have acting now is not ours. We are in the process of legally taking back our country and ousting the usurpers, and Trump is aware of us and waiting for us to re-form. I'm hoping we can get some of the new media educated on this to help us spread the word. If you want to pass, though, no problem, everyone else has, lol. But, I thought I'd hit you up with some info. Keep up the good work!! 😃

2018-11-19 09:31:19 UTC  

i wonder how long til most of these ppl that get into the market realize, the stock markets lists volumes of trades on the markets, thats buying and selling of traded stocks.

2018-11-19 09:32:32 UTC  

a market slowdown is reduced buying and selling of trades, it doesn't really effect the total value of the market, it just means the stuff isn't trading as much

2018-11-19 09:33:10 UTC  

the stocks u buy are dependent of what kind of stocks u get

2018-11-19 09:33:54 UTC  

1. trade only stocks - no profit sharing, no voting rights in the company who's offering the stocks

2018-11-19 09:34:15 UTC  

2. profit sharing stocks, but still no voting rights

2018-11-19 09:34:32 UTC  

3. voting stocks with profit sharing

2018-11-19 09:35:06 UTC  

the profit sharing is the dividends u get from stocks u own

2018-11-19 09:35:58 UTC  

so if profit margin is up for a company, they can decide to share it with the stock holders, then u earn a profit from it

2018-11-19 09:37:28 UTC  

stock holders don't get % of the total profit, they get a % of the remainder of the profit over costs of capital upkeep

2018-11-19 09:38:19 UTC  

capital is what keeps a company afloat in times of loss of profit from doing biz

2018-11-19 09:38:42 UTC  

sec protection only covers stocks with capital backing

2018-11-19 09:39:02 UTC  

never invest in anything unless it has capital backing

2018-11-19 09:39:43 UTC  

owning stock in a nutshell is just profit sharing

2018-11-19 09:43:23 UTC  

so unless a company decides to declare bankruptcy(capital depleted), selling the stock isn't really worth the bother unless u want to increase ur dividends output to ur market portfolio(ur collection of stocks u own)

2018-11-19 09:45:11 UTC  

i dabbled in stock market research back in hs when nobody was noticing it

2018-11-19 09:50:13 UTC  

btw, i don't own any stocks...if my parents controlling my money while i was in the military listened to me when i ask them nicely to do so with my money to invest in my list of investements, i'd be rolling in it by now

2018-11-19 09:51:39 UTC  

at least they listened to me when i warned them about enron

2018-11-19 09:52:29 UTC  

and those members of the family made a nice profit before truth about enron came out

2018-11-19 11:55:03 UTC Kamala Harris includes Act Blue(Dem funding) fundraising link with CA wildfire donations. Other links included... are they legit or....more leftist set up charities?

2018-11-19 12:10:32 UTC  

That is disgusting - shame on Harris, her campaign manager, and anybody involved in this.

2018-11-19 12:16:46 UTC  

Regarding Haiti: You will have the Embassy's official response/actions this morning aprox 10:00 am est.

2018-11-19 12:49:51 UTC  

brenda snipes resigned

2018-11-19 13:16:46 UTC  

imo, the only reason usa troops are in the airport of haiti is to secure any usa citizen and any escaping haiti citizens til they're confirmed that they're not involved in human trafficking, drugs or haiti corruption

2018-11-19 13:18:01 UTC  

this is most likely independent of the un actions in haiti ....which most of us know un is also corrupt

2018-11-19 13:19:58 UTC  

some nice digs in this vid

2018-11-19 14:01:33 UTC  

That video makes it sound like the Clinton goons are doing the assassinations. That is not good news, those are the people we need to testify, I would presume.

2018-11-19 14:03:49 UTC  

I have to say, I went to our nearest "big city" yesterday and while there is a large Hispanic population there, they know English. Yesterday every store I went in was filled with non-English speaking Hispanics. This morning, a Hispanic man shot and killed someone in that city. That is NOT normal around here. I am starting to think it is too late to do any good at the border, IDAHO is already being flooded with immigrants it seems.

2018-11-19 14:04:01 UTC  

From two years ago: