Message from @Gray
Discord ID: 303031706095714305
she was a normal white girl
I think its hershel at the keyboard right now
and it looked like burning man and the DAPL ruined her
nigga i can't guzzle preworkout and BCAAs n shit. i was lifting for over a year and only got out of auschwitz mode and into something more normie.
fucking oven that bitch
you need a good diet, not preworkout
gotta eat big to get big mark
I use pre because of how I lift
i was 145lbs at age 21
jews armed the communists in this battle too
but i was underfed
normal is 165ish, thats what i was when i was 18
im 30 and a little over 180, low body fat, just train and eat right
Can I dirty bulk like a real nigga?
i shouuld say im 5'9
you shouldnt
get maximize gains naturally
before even thinking of anything like that
Morrie likes his kfc
otherwise it turns into pimply doughy body
gotta eat healthy, eating grips of beans has helped me stay lean and strong over the years
i haven't lost a fistfight in 14 years (violence is bad goyyyss)
Turn Down (the ovens) For what
we need to play this at marches
@badtanman check oven
i consider myself to be buff ninja build
acrobatic and can hit the weights hard
and do crazy ninja trick shit
ok i should eat, might catch u fools in the chat after
still laughing at these psycho texts
what am i looking for