Message from @keknomancer
Discord ID: 683343220347895860
I am investigating nigga
even mentioning that
I still support the House of Hohenzollern as rulers of all Germany
i support the idea of greater bavaria
except austria
fuck them
Mountain Germans
bavaria still has a claim on holland
because we want to sink it
mountain niggers can go get fucked
but infact they cant
they are to retarded fro reproduction
The Kingdom of Bavaria was pretty based ngl
It’s also underrated.
Not really sure where to put this, but I guess it kind of fits here.
holy shit this basket case
I've met more than a couple dumb fucks who are on the bullshit she's on.
Holy fuck
Stupid bitches playing victim
Ah, I see you too are a man of culture
I wish I was in Dixieland
Where did the name Dixie come from anyway?
Why is it associated with the south so much?
@ÜberSoldat I'm pretty sure it comes from the Mason Dixon line between Pennsylvania and Maryland. This line marked the border between slave and free states.
Napoleon was not Italian
Italy did not exist
He was corsican
And yes that's its own seperate ethnicity
Italy is a fuck
dude on the right reminds me of sir christopher lee
I'm assuming you do know who it is thou
charlamagne i think you call him
Karl der Große