Message from @r.lupus
Discord ID: 684140497211883604
Debating on not coming home in late march, my city is already infected, might just stop in to get my car and belongings and run up to iowa
wow even here in the middle of fuck all no where people empty out the stores
Here it's not that bad since everyone (somehow) believes the media or are too lazy to do anything.
But still there's a lot less stuff on the shelves
>mfw i don't need to watch the news when I have you guys
Coof coof
Can't suppress the truth
The US is gonna have to face reality sooner or later
I swear someone took plague inc way to far<:madlad:646974424565678090>
Stay armed, lotta coofers will want your stuff
well we have double fun now
coof from the chinks and more 13s to commit more 50s from afrika
Well you leave in the EU
So good luck
mean i dont want to deal with niggers and coofers at the same time
bu maybe
like if shit gets realy bad here they just turn around and go home
Professor is saying only old people will die from corona virus
And to not worry about it too much
mfw <:pepemoji:646092427446190090>
idk maybe shit hits the fan
and we can rebuild germany from the remains of this old world
Tell your professor he's an idiot
Infront of the class for that
I just hope its as bad as possible and that loads of people die
I hope it doesn't
Thats what they want
Born too late to explore the world
Born too early to explore the universe
Born just in time to die of Corona
World is a fuck
700,000,000,000 dead people
Well at least we'll go to the Isekai world
There is plenty to explore
I think in the next life I'll do a Konosuba type of world