Message from @memescape
Discord ID: 471457586160599041
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!p quackity hq fornite rap
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 `quackity hq fornite rap`
**Playing** 🎶 `THE FORTNITE SONG Feat. MineCraft Awesome Parodys (Official Music Video)` - Now!
!p mine craft parody pumped up kicks
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 `mine craft parody pumped up kicks`
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Gimme gimme chicken tendies
!p Gimme gimme chicken tendies
❌ **You have to be in a voice channel to use this command.**
!p Gimme gimme chicken tendies
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 `Gimme gimme chicken tendies`
**Playing** 🎶 `Gimmie Gimmie Chicken Tendies` - Now!
real cunt
i like you xD
No homo
yes homo
Oh boy
Time to write keque x memescape fanfiction
They had seccs dont my fan fic
I would right a that fan fic but last time I wrote a fan fic the people involved became gay for each other
You pridicted the future can you please write a fan fic about me getting a girlfreind XD
I mean fuck it why not
Doo ett
>Be me
>Some fag who loves darksouls
>come across this cool dude named skidonic
>[email protected] he's got a discord server
>Join cuz I think it'll be fun
>meet some cool people who are now my friends
>half of them are fur fags but friends nonetheless
>met a really rad dude named cay
>cay thinks I'm rad
>btw just for some context my best friend Kapn Von Krunch had also joined
>become the really funny communist
>one dickhead named dimmadome really hates me
>he makes dumbass remarks to me and kapn
>eventually I become disliked
>skid changed my names to make fun of me blah blah blah
>he then calls me The Legit Fagglelord
>I like that name so he cuts me some slack and keeps it put
>changes Kapn's name to The Unlegit Fagglelord
>thus starts the rule of Fagglelord
>fast forward couple mounths
>convince cay to join our ranks
>starts an uproar
>cay had betrayed them because everyone loved cay
>cay was given an ultimatum change back to his original self or we get ban
>Tell him to refuse
>The lords are kicked
>all the lads from my friend group get pissed
>skid tells em I had to learn my lesson
>among those friends was casey a close friend of skid
>convinces him to give us a two week ban instead of perma
>get back after the ban is over
>people are disgusted
>fast forward a couple months again
>dimmadome postes some art he was raving about
>I say that it's okay but nothing to rave about
>snitches to skid
>turns out the artist was skid's girlfriend
>get perma ban
I dont understand
This be my story
Why even are you guys so loyal to me
Dont ask questions you know you wouldn't get an answer to
im going to overtakeu
!p santeria