Message from @Saint Jiub the Magnificent
Discord ID: 595095796366573598
Me irl
baki lookin ass
Killer Queen has touched these kittens
Killer queen would never explode those kittens I’m literally shaking and crying omg
Two shows that promote family bonding especially among siblings of the opposite gender: Yosuga No Sora and Irregulat at Magic High School. I especially recommend reading the light novel version of the latter with your sisters.
Be sure to watch both shows for family quality time.
@DerekThePlagueDoctor <:pandorasbox:518010850318090241>
Why is she so fat
<:yikes:550156991583092756> <:yikes:550156991583092756> <:yikes:550156991583092756>
It is from the "jelly-filled donuts." By the way, when I heard them call rice balls that, I thought "those are some weird ass looking donuts" as a kid. There were episodes earlier on where they did call them rice balls and I thought "they are eating just rice" since I was a kid and did not know rice balls had filling.
Spending some time on /c/ contracting Diabeetus
Someone tell me why girls with guns are so cute
Take me to Russia
I wanna ride a tank
Und das heist